Saturday, December 24, 2011

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Questions!

I am stealing this from 2 friends. You can read their blogs as well! The Tompkins Family and A Life Full of Sunshine and Rainbows

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags?
Wrapping Paper! Mike won't let me use gift bags because its "Not Fun" but who does all the wrapping around here? Yep, me....Well I did trick a couple of my nieces into wrapping about half of the presents but thats besides the point. I hate wrapping but the kids love ripping paper up.

2. Real tree or Artificial?
Artificial....Can you imagine me trying to keep something else alive. I am barely successful at keeping Mike, the kids and dog happy, healthy and fed, let alone a Christmas tree that needs special care. Until they invent a tree that whines at me and tells me that its thirsty and needs water, it will be a fake tree for us.

3. When do you put up the tree?
Anytime after December 1st and before the 25th.

4. When do you take the tree down?
A few days after Christmas, I hate looking at Christmas crap for too long!

5. Do you like eggnog?
Ummm No! It sounds disgusting and tastes even worse.

6. Favorite gift received as a child?
Alf Doll, and Don't Wake the Dragon Game, probably the Sega was a favourite too!

7. Do you have a nativity scene?
Yes, We have 3. One Little one that I bought when Ella was just tiny and she loved to hide the people like Easter Eggs everywhere. One is a small precious moments one that always makes me giggle because My Sister In Law gave it to me and well there is a story behind it but this is neither the time or place to share it...Its not rude, just makes me giggle is all. My Mom gave me the third one this year. It was my Grandmas. My mom hand painted it (Minus one goat that was lost and now found - hes still white). I do have another one at my parents house somewhere as well. Its a bigger Precious Moments set and its plastic and well Baby Jesus may be a little banged up. I may or may not have thrown it at my mom when I was younger and mad at the prospect of books for Christmas. Now I beg for books instead of threaten my mom with Baby Jesus.

8. Hardest person to buy for?
Mike but I like what I bought for him this year, yes the key is I like it!

9. Easiest person to buy for?
Camden , he is so easy to please!

10. Mail or email Christmas cards?
Mail but mostly to far away mom friends and a couple family members.

11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received?
Hmmm...It wasn't really a bad present but maybe given at an inappropriate time. It was a red satiny short robe with matching ummm well not quite lingerie but definitely not PJ's type thing. Mike gave it to me in front of his parents and brothers a few Christmases ago. My face turned as red as the present. It wouldn't bother me now ,but I was still fairly new to his family then.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie?
Love Actually!!

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas?
Early like Summer time.

14. Ever recycled a Christmas present?
Probably but can't say for sure, what if the person read this.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas?
EVERYTHING, What Kind of Question is that...oh wait except Eggnog or mince meat pies...Ewww

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree?
White, its classy!

17. Favorite Christmas song?
Away in a Manger and The First Noel

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home?
Both of our families live Close by and so even when we do travel its 15 minutes at the most.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Yes, but spelling the names may be a whole different thing.

20. Angel on the tree top or a star?
An angel for sure!

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning?
Christmas morning and one special present for the kids on Christmas Eve - Usually PJ's

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year?
How fast the time goes.

23. Favorite ornament, theme, or color?
All our ornaments are special. We have a mixed matched tree of all sorts of ornaments but they all mean something.

24. What do you want for Christmas this year?
For a Healthy Happy Christmas and A Healthy Happy New Year for us as well as Family and Friends.

Don't forget to stop by my friends blogs. The Tompkins Family and A Life Full of Sunshine and Rainbows

Thursday, December 22, 2011


     I am a total slacker today.  I am sorry about that but I guess better late than never!  While I was slacking from posting, I did however to manage to get quite a bit accomplished though.  Oh, lets see.  I did my eleventy billion loads of laundry (even folded and put away, please hold your applause until the very end ladies and gentlemen) and then I did a few more loads.  Seriously the baby goes through 4-6 outfits a day.  I cleaned Camden's room (organized the toys and closet).  It was no easy task and he kept un-cleaning it as I cleaned.  I cleaned Harmony's room while Camden un-organized all her clothes in her closet.  The kitchen got thoroughly messed up when we made Rice Krispy Squares.  Lets just say a bowl of marshmallows didn't explode all over the microwave. Then I cleaned up the whole kitchen. I even sewed some more Christmas stuff.  In between being productive I wrapped presents, changed diapers, fed kids, put baby down to nap twice (Camden doesn't nap anymore LUCKY ME) and begged Mike to pick up something for supper. 

    So I may have been slacking in the writing department today but Mom's never get a day off and Christmas is coming rather quick and well stuff has got to get down.  It's all up to me.  Tomorrow might be another slacker day for me which means I will be so busy I may not get a chance to even sit down at the computer.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Not so Wordless Wednesday - New Addition

     Sorry this is kind of a late post but I went on a Pre - Christmas Adventure with my sister and I should have learned my lesson.  They never end well.  Well I guess they end well but the middle part is always squidgy and leaves you fearing for your life.  Needless to say I have banned myself from anymore pre-Christmas Adventures with my sister in the future.  I did get home in time to vacuum and wash the floor in preparation for the new addition to the house.  Now I am just waiting to be delivered so I can add a picture to this post.

     Well there it is! Our Piano.  A Family Heirloom passed down from Mike's Family.  Ella is very excited to be able to start Piano Lessons sometime in the very near future. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Youtube Tuesday - Sesame Street - Yes Please

     I got little or no sleep least night.  It was kinda hazy but the kids alternated getting up every 20 minutes or so.  I stopped counting when I reached 20. I couldn't rationally think or count past 20 at that point anyway.  They weren't sick, wet, thirsty or hungry, just restless.  Just for good measure and to make sure I didn't get to sleep once the kids finally seemed to settle down the dog fell down some stairs, then I was up worrying about our old, beloved Tanner who I swear better not die at Christmas or Mike will be useless these holidays.  Needless to say, no sleep = lazy day.

     We were going to pop in a movie when we came across this video on a friend's blog .

Camden was fascinated and because one YouTube video always leads to another and you can't watch just one.

These are some other favourites we watched today for a good hour or more (It still counts as quality time right? We were all snuggled up together in the chair.).

and this one...Jason Mraz anyone?

and who doesn't love a little Bruno Mars....

and for good measure and I love Billy Joel and it make me smile plus we couldn't find Elton John on Sesame Street just the Muppet show and well this is all about sesame street.

     I hope you enjoyed some of the videos we have enjoyed this morning.  They are fun, silly and have a good measure.   Not much of that type of thing around these days, plus who can resist Sesame Street.  Not I or two babies who love to cuddle up on mom after a restless night.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Thank God She's Cute!

     My Sunday evening plans were foiled by a 6 month old.  I watch one hour of TV a week..Just one measly hour ( more like 45 minutes since there is no commercials) of one show I enjoy watching.  I really don't think its too much to ask to have one hour to sit and enjoy the feel of sitting back in the recliner and just vegging.  Apparently it is and definitely if you have been looking forward to it all week long. 

   Harmony is a sneaky little bugger. She went to sleep around 8:30 and since Ella was in bed and asleep shortly after 8 so I was ecstatic.  Well Harmony must have heard Camden wasn't going to be home to occupy mommy's time and cause trouble so she decided she couldn't be outdone by Camden, time to raise a little hell. She had a 20 minute cat nap and then proceeded to cry, fuss, giggle and play until 11:30 pm and in the process I only got to watch snippets of my show...and I missed the end...the big shocker to finish off the season. 

     I tried putting her to bed but she just screamed and freaked out.  I would pick her up to try and feed,burp, change, bounce , rock or snuggle her and her eyes would pop open and she was all bright eyed and smiling.  How can you be mad with those big blue eyes and cute grin staring back. 

     So all in all, because I love Harmony more than a shocking season finale of Dexter, I missed it.  I have however promised that as long as she shall live in our house I will make her miss the last 15 minutes of every show that has any significance to her. Nope, see I am not bitter at all.  Times like this my favourite saying is well Thank God she's cute, especially since I just laid her down for her morning nap with out so much as a peep out of her.

(Photo Courtesy Of Amy V)

Friday, December 16, 2011

Poop Surprise

   I have been getting hit hard on the poop front lately and frankly, I am kind of sick of all the crap...literally.   Not mine, I know when I have to go and thankfully I have been potty trained for 24 years.  

  Harmony the once a week pooper (yes, its completely normal for breast fed babies to only poop once a week) has started eating real food and well with real food comes a whole lot of poop.  I am constantly being well, surprised with what we call around here little poop surprises.  You know the kind where it hides in the back so when you open the diaper, you think you are in the clear and you pull that diaper off and suddenly surprise there is poo and now its everywhere and it didn't even stink like poo, how is that possible.  Of course there are like only 2 wipes left in the container and if you had of smelled poo you would have grabbed more. *sigh* Now there is a poo mess to clean and usually you are alone so its up to you.

    Camden is even worse for the "Poop Surprise".  He knows he did it but generally won't tell you  and it doesn't always stink either. I have been changing him standing up if its just pee so I can get him to sit on the potty.  This ends disastrously because well then you get little Poop Surprises all over the floor.  Camden think its extra hilarious and yells "Poop Surprise, I surprised you".  Never a good surprise.

     Camden also surprised me the other day by leaving a trail across the dining room floor.  It looked like the Easter Bunny had hit us up early.  I was trying the bottomless potty training method and lets just say it wasn't a huge hit.  I am not a big fan of almost stepping in poo or cleaning it up off the floor.

     Anyone else get hit with the good old Poop Surprise? Make me feel better and tell me some of your funny Poop Surprise stories...about your kids, not really into adult poop surprise stories...they aren't nearly as cute.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Thankful Thursday - Counting My Blessings

     On this rainy day, in December (Really, a warmish , rainy day, in December?  I don't get it.) I am counting my blessings.

  1. I have 3 healthy, happy, beautiful, and smart children.  I really couldn't ask for more.
  2. Mike and I are healthy, happy and doing great.
  3. A warm house filled with laughter and love (OK and the odd yelling NO, DON'T POOP ON the oh its already too late you pooped on the floor...remember the POTTY!!!!).
  4. A messy house. Really I am thankful for a messy house? Yes, I am because I can clean it up and it means...My kids have fun, are fed, clothed and bathed.  I am so busy doing all those things oh and sleeping (yeah right) that sometimes the house work slides a little bit.
  5. LEGO - Hours of endless entertainment!
  6. Naps because they are few and far between here, so when they happen its a miracle.  Even better if we all nap at the same time.
  7. Our families, because we have the best families we could ever ask for.
     I am very happy and thankful for all that we have.  I truly Thank God for everyone and everything we have been blessed with.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not so Wordless Wednesday - Christmas Picture Outtakes

The kids can't always look super freakin' adorable, after all they are kids so enjoy these outtakes from our family Christmas Pictures

First of all they are suckers not smoking cigarettes...That's just silly they are in our dining room, we would never allow them to smoke in the house.  I'm kidding, Well not really...they really are suckers, but lets go with they aren't allowed to smoke at all. We decided this picture was so cute even though it wasn't a planned picture, it captures their personalities.

Mother of the Year goes to me of course, for allowing their baby to chew on Christmas lights while they were plugged in.  I should have at least unplugged them first because you know wires with sharp pointy pieces of glass are an excellent first choice for cutting those teeth, cutting get it...yeah I'm tired this morning.  I did take them out of her mouth right away, I promise.

Seriously Mom?! Matching PJ's and wrapped in Tinsel? This is embarrassing.

Maybe Mom won't notice I am being a brat if I smile this exceptionally cute smile?

He's Choking Me, Stop Him...please...*whine, whine, whine*
Oh come on suck it up, at least he is still smiling, if you would too these would be cute...FINE, CAMDEN YOU ARE HURTING YOUR SISTER STOP NOW!

     Well, there you have it folks, a few outtakes from our lovely Christmas pictures.  If you have kids you know how hard it is to get them all to look, smile and act appropriately well trying to obtain lasting memories.  You are lucky to walk away with one usable shot, children intact and a voice, if you haven't lost it from all the screaming (One more pic, I swear if you don't sit still smile blah blah blah NO PRESENTS EVER) 

     Have a lovely, safe and happy day today.  Don't forget to smile and enjoy the remaining few days until Christmas.  See you back here tomorrow.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Things that make us giggle

     So after surfing the Internet because procrastination is my middle name and really, you can't fold and put away the eleventy billion loads of laundry with children who refuse to nap.  We surf the Internet together because the family that surfs together stays together...or something like that anyways.  What did kids do before the Internet? Oh yeah outside.

     We came across this website called Picsauce and it makes me giggle.  I warn you some of it may not be in the best taste, so view at your own risk.  Its quirky and strange and mostly not rude but with any website there is questionable content.  We just scrolled through and found the content that was funny or cute for the kids. 

Here is Camden's Pick ...this piggy makes him giggle like a crazed maniac.  Its a picture from a Geico commercial.

Its from this Geico commercial.

This is kinda cool. Not funny but neat and Ella found it FUN.

I also have a couple other funny websites I like to click around on occasionally.

One is Why did you buy me that . A website that people send in pictures of gift giving gone wrong. Here are a couple lovely gems of gifts people have received.

Absolutely horrifying and funny.


Check out the website for more horrible gifts.

So a little funny for your day.  A reminder to laugh and not take life so seriously.

Monday, December 12, 2011

We are SUCKY Free!

     Last week I was sick. The whining around here was unbearable and it was mostly coming from me.  I was having a hard time dealing with it all while Mike worked the afternoon shift.  Really I hate when he is gone from 2-11:30.  It really does make for a long day.

    Lately Camden has gone for the occasional bedtime sucky user to a full time junkie. It was driving me crazy.  He would wander around all day whining, begging, crying for a fix. "I want my sucky, I need my sucky, where is my sucky, SUCKY NOW!" I got sick of him acting like a addict.  I was beyond frustrated and well Daddy is too soft hearted to be the bad guy.  Daddy was a Camden -Sucky enabler.  It had to go.  In a fit of desperation and less than no patience I swapped his good suckys for his old suckys and grabbed the scissors (Good suckys were stashed high in the cupboard in case this plan backfired and mommy gave in).  Camden was of course in full out meltdown mode but that wasn't stopping me, this had to end now.  His endless whining was making me a little bit insane, OK a whole lot insane. 

     Scissors in hand I proceeded to cut up his sucky's in front of him.  Judge away, but it worked.  He was mad for maybe an hour but likely less, it just felt like an hour.  He asked about his sucky only 2 more times in 3 days. I consider that success. 

    We made a huge deal about what a big boy he is and he asked for some big boy LEGO.  We were more than happy to oblige the poor little guy.  I feel bad for snatching away his beloved sucky but seriously the whining was beyond terrible. 

    We are now sucky free and happy.  The next battle potty training. Stay tuned.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap up - Healthy- ish

     I am glad to report that I am healthy again.  I think Little Miss Harmony is feeling much better as well and Camden seems to be fine so far.  Mike, well poor Mike isn't feeling so hot.  He isn't sick but he is a little achy and a bit weak.  I sure hope he doesn't get the full illness because nothing is worse than the Man-Cold. 

     We enjoyed a quieter weekend filled with family birthdays, a family dinner and lots of LEGO building. 

     I would love to kiss whoever invented LEGO, unless they are deceased because you know I am not really into that type of thing.  Call me crazy but decomposition isn't really one of my turn ons but enough about that.  LEGO has captured the hearts of 2 out of 3 little people in this house and well 2 big people as well.  We have discovered that its a huge motivator in this house, so we have been working on a certain little guy's potty training or well lack there of. We also used it as a motivator for another huge success in this house over the weekend but more about that tomorrow.

     Overall, a good weekend spent with great people. It's great to be feeling better so that I can catch up on all the stuff I missed before, like the eleventy billion loads of laundry to be put away.  Yes, I know eleventy billion isn't a real number but it describes perfectly the amount of clean laundry that is heaped on the laundry room floor just begging to be folded and put away.  Ella's room also needs a good once over, well more like twice or three times over, my that child can create disaster in 10 seconds flat.  She claims her room threw up, cute right? Yeah not so much when its me cleaning it.  Good thing I have Christmas and LEGO as a motivator.

      I hope everyone had a relaxing, healthy and happy weekend.  Don't forget to come back tomorrow to read all about Camden's big boy achievement that earned him some big boy Toy Story 3 LEGO.

Friday, December 9, 2011

A Sick Week?

     So my sick "day" turned into pretty much a sick week.  I am so annoyed.  I haven't been sick in quite a while.  I would like to credit the fact that I rarely leave my house anymore.  I go out on the weekend and well I end up sick, lesson more leaving the comforts of home for a germ filled anything.(Not really, I am not a germaphobe but I do hate being sick). 

     We are all sick of me being sick.  Did I mention the baby isn't feeling great either.  I am only guessing since she can't tell me and neither of us have a fever.  We are both cranky and sleep deprived.  Paired with a toddler filled with lovely toddler angst , its super pleasant around here right about now. 

    Mike's on afternoons which is pure hell from 2-11:30 with him gone.  I sure wish he could have straight days.  How do you possibly entertain a toddler while sick, with a sick baby as well.  Thank God for Grampa Grampa.  They brought him his movies that he left there and threw a 2 hour tantrum about until he could watch them.  Gotta love those terrible twos. Funny, I don't remember Ella being quite as horrible. 

    I am very Thankful for Movies and Legos.  They have been entertaining the kids (minus the baby) or a couple hours now.  I hope everyone sleeps so I can just feel better!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

In the holiday spirit!

     On this dreary, gross day, I have decided it may just be time to start pulling out the holiday movies.  That and I am declaring this another sick day because even though I took a sick day yesterday I doped up on Advil and cleaned the house because I couldn't stand looking at it anymore...I also felt guilty for laying around while Camden was at Grandmas.

      I am not a huge holiday movie watcher but I have a couple that are musts and am currently looking for a few more to add to our list.

Jen's Must See Holiday Movies

Love Actually
Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer

     See a pretty short list.  I also have movies that I hate to watch at Christmas and I know it will shock many as its their favourite Christmas movie but I HATE HATE HATE Christmas Vacation. Are there any must see movies for the holiday season that I missed?

     I am also on the look out for a great children's book about the real meaning of Christmas.  All the ones I currently have are long and don't hold the children's attention.  If you have any suggestions I would love to hear them.

    OK, so maybe no sick day here, the baby needs way too much attention.  Maybe she will let me lounge?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wordless Wednesday with Apologies

     A big apology for no blog post yesterday I took a sick day yesterday and I think will be taking another sick day today, not that Moms get sick days but you I am a Little behind in blogging and well life in general. Enjoy these cute little behinds...


Monday, December 5, 2011

Weekend Wrap Up - Perfect Weekend

     We had the perfect weekend.  We did stuff with the kids.  We cleaned up the house.  We spent time with family.  We went out, with out kids.

     It was a family wedding.  We ditched the kids and got dressed up in our best. 

     I may have had a few beers.  We danced and it was perfect.  Mike even sang in my ear during a slow dance or two.  I am a sucker for romantic gestures, beer and cheesy cell phone pics.


     I am happy to report that after 5 years, kids, a dog and a house he still makes me weak in the knees and all butterflies in my tummy.  His eyes still light up when he sees me dressed up all pretty, which doesn't happen very often anymore but when it does he still makes a big deal about it.  He sure knows his way to this girls heart.  I feel like I have won the lottery.  I didn't think a man like Mike existed but I am so glad I found him.  Back off girls, he's taken but he does have a single brother

Friday, December 2, 2011

Funny Family Friday

     So because I was at my sisters last night and I consumed way too much caffeine during the entire day Thursday and was bouncing off the walls by bedtime...this is what is stuck in my head.

     There is a bit of back story to this.  When we walked into my sisters house last night all we could smell was poo.  It smelled like the septic had backed up.  We later discovered the smell was coming from outside, probably a farmers field that had been sprayed.  The entire time we were there my nieces and nephew kept singing this song since they have a chronic addiction to YouTube (they range in ages from 18-10) and they think poo is hilarious. Kids never really grow up!

     So thank you guys for getting this ridiculous song stuck in my head and probably the tea, cafe latte, and 3 giant glasses of pop I consumed didn't help either.

     This is why I love my family, they are crazy and loud.  We get each other and always have a great time just being dumb!  I can't wait until Christmas.  All our best stuff comes from family get togethers (Kaitlin and the silly goo, yep, good times). 

     So today I am loving my family with a giant grin, because we are SPECIAL, in a special ed sort of way that only we get!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Bedtime Bargaining

    I am sure many parents are familiar with the toddler tactic of stalling but Camden has taken it to a new level, beyond the usual, I want more milk and I need my sucky tantrums.  At 2 years old, I am quite impressed really. 

Camden's are quite funny.
  • C: Oh who made this big mess in my room? Not me,(blames it on one of his relatives)  but I better clean it up before bed.

  •   C: I can't go to bed now, there is a hockey game I have to watch.  M: No, there isn't. C: Baseball then? M: Nope. C: How about Basketball?

  • C: I can't nap now, I have to change my clothes there is some work I have to do outside first.

  • C: My toys aren't put away in the right spots, I better fix it.

  •  C: I'm not tired, but you are Mommy.  I'll tuck you in and I'll stay up. M: Who is going to do all Mommy's work then? C: I will take care of the baby and change her bum. Do laundry, do the dishwasher, vacuum. M: Who is going to change your bum?  C: Hmmm, Maybe I 'll go to bed.

  • C: I need my bum changed before bed , there's a poop surprise.  M: You pooped again? C: Yep, you better change me now.  M: You didn't poop! C: I tricked Mommy!

  • C: I need my other book.  M: Which Book? C: Ummmm Ummm...I need to get up and look and find it. M: Nope, bedtime! C:  I neeeeeeeeeeed to read my other one.

  • C: The sun is out. It's nice out. I don't see the moon. It's not bedtime, it's daytime.
     Does anyone else have very creative children when it comes to bedtime dodging?

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Christmas Sneak Peek

     Yes, I realize we are missing Miss Ella but she hasn't had her Christmas pictures taken, so there will be plenty more to come, this is just a little sneak peek.  Photo's Courtesy of Karlee Slattery.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Half a year Harmony!

     Sorry for the delayed post today but it's been one of those days.

      I seriously can not believe Harmony is 6 months old already.  The time is flying by and my baby dear is growing up much too quickly.

Harmony at 6 months wears:
  • Size 1 diapers
  • Size 1 shoes
  • 0-3 month , 3 month and  a few 3-6 month clothes
Harmony at 5 months eats:
  • Still  breast fed  but with  a 6 oz bottle of formula a day
  • has tried squash ( threw it up), rice cereal (seems to make her cranky and she doesn't love it), home made apple puree (super cranky but she loved it), A slice of mashed banana (loved it but cranky again)
  • Loves her Baby Mum Mums
Harmony at 5 months:
  • is 13lbs 7oz and 24 3/4" long
  • enjoys her exersaucer, bumbo, bouncer, swing and jolly jumper.
  • babbles non stop
  • is going through a rough sleep patch
  • loves being talked to by anyone and rewards them with big smiles
  • loves shopping because everyone tells her how pretty she is
  • excellent hand/eye coordination
  • loves being naked
  • loves bath time
  • has taken an interest in the dog
  • sits well

     Harmony's nicknames at 5 months:
  • Little peanut
  • pumpkin or chunkin (chunky pumpkin)
  • Shoulder Monkey (she sort of perches herself like a little shoulder monkey)
  • Tune (Papa A)
  • Petunia (Grandma J)
  • Hazel - her second middle name (Uncle S)
     Harmony's favourite people at the moment
  • Everyone, she is a little social butterfly
Things I never want to forget:
  • Those Big Baby Blues and you know how to use them already
  • Your Temper
  • Your heart melting smiles
  • Your priceless expressions

Monday, November 28, 2011

Privacy... Oh how I miss you!

      I love, love, love being a mom but sometimes I wished someone had prepared me a little more for the complete lack of privacy.  It's one of those things they forget to mention in all those pregnancy books that are supposed to prepare you for motherhood.  At least a heads up from some of the mothers out there would have been appreciated.   A little warning perhaps, so you can mentally prepare yourself for say the next....oh right, rest of your life of never, ever, ever having a private moment to yourself again. 

     It really starts before the baby is born.  Plenty of doctors appointments where you are poked, prodded and asked to undress, pee in a cup and have your belly man handled and measured on a frequent basis.  Its all for the health of you and your precious unborn baby, so its all worth it but it's annoying none the less.
     The whole birthing process is amazing, but during which any shred of privacy you have managed to  maintain up until this point will be completely gone.  By the time the baby has made its grand entrance, everyone in the entire world has seen your bits or at least it feels like this and you know what you really don't care anymore.  You just pushed out a the most beautiful human being out of your own body and you are a freaking super hero.  You really don't care who saw what and don't worry your privacy will be invaded a 1000 more times before you leave the hospital. They check you a billion times to make sure you are healing, that the little monster that just split you end to end is latching properly. The good news is that if it would have embarrassed you before you were a mom, it doesn't bother you now.

     Once you have a child or children be prepared to never again pee or shower in peace, EVER! Once they are old enough to not follow you everywhere, don't worry they still will. If you ignore them they will just talk louder through the door, shove stuff under the door or bang on the door so much that you may as well just left it open. If you haven't become a mom yet, savour every long shower and pee break like its your last because before you know it you won't have time to do either and if by some miracle you get a chance, most likely you will be toting a baby with you.

    As a parent you may as well forget ever having a private conversation as well.  I would truly love to have a conversation with anyone really that I don't have to worry about it being repeated by a toddler or told to a teacher at school. Like the day I told Ella that its too  darn bad that the teacher wants you to take a litter less lunch on your field trip because I don't care what your teacher says you are getting what you get.  Mommy doesn't have time to take out all your food and repack it.  I have a hungry newborn and a sick toddler, be thankful you are getting food at all. Yep, first thing she told her teacher when she got to school that day.  I didn't even feel bad though, after all I did have a newborn less than 2 weeks old and a sick toddler who was in and out of the ER 3-4 times that week. 

     Oh and bedroom privacy which is non existent since toddlers don't knock and don't care whether you are changing and have company over which you would prefer not see you naked.  They don't care if they interrupt your alone time with Daddy even though they are supposed to be sleeping but can't because they like Mommy's bed better.  Camden shared our bed for the first 2 years of his life, I am amazed we actually had another baby.

     I almost forgot that there is also phone calls, mail, email - all listened in to, then questioned about - who, why, where what, when and how, opened and read before you get a chance, checked without your knowledge same with facebook.  Smart 6 year olds are sometimes a curse and have the ability to make you feel like the child.

      So let me give you this gentle reminder as a sort of duty, to all people who have yet to have children.  Not to scare you off because truly you would be missing out on the best thing life has to offer but more as a reminder to enjoy every private moment, telephone conversation, letter, potty break and shower.  Once these little monsters blessings enter your life it will be a very long time until privacy is restored.  Enjoy it well you still can, trust me, you will look back fondly on the times you could pee alone with out a toddler trying to help you wipe.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Special Edition Saturday - Etsy Anyone oh and Epicure!

     So I have been thinking (yes, I know very dangerous), after some urging from friends and family, I am possibly contemplating setting up an Etsy store

     I am looking for advice, tips, yays or nays....anything at all really.  Is it hard to set up? Is it worth my time?  Do I need a cool name (this may be hard because I am so not cool)?

   I am wee bit scared and a wee bit excited.  So if anyone has any experience out there and would like to share some wisdom with me, I would really appreciate that.  If you don't have any experience with this and you still want to tell me how much you love me and how talented I am (You can pretend) you can do that too! Everyone needs a confidence boost once in a while.

   As a reminder,  I am holding an Epicure Party at my house Monday night at 7pm.  Would love to see you there.  Bring a friend and there is no pressure to buy anything.  I may force you to try some delicious food though!  Be sure to message me, call me, leave me a comment if you are coming so I can add you to the list of people to let in my house....HAHAHAHA! Everyone welcome, but just let me know so we can make sure there is plenty of food! If you can't make it but want to order you can either  drop by and look through the catalogue and order or you can order online.  If you plan to order online, let me know and I will get you the info you need so it can be added to my party.

     Have a good weekend everyone.  Be safe and have fun!

Friday, November 25, 2011

My Day Off!

     Today has been my day off of sorts.  Yes, I still had the baby but I ONLY had the baby.  Mike was off work today as well.  What a nice quiet relaxing type of day. 

     We got up and headed out to get some deals during our towns attempt at Black Friday.  Not really the greatest deals but a couple of items we needed to finish the kids shopping happened to on for a decent price. 

   We cleaned together and chatted.  We laughed, while I folded laundry and Mike watched tv (nice huh).  He made lunch while the baby napped.  Then after lunch I napped.  Just a nice,easy relaxing day. 

     Tonight is my Niece's Birthday party.  Sorry Kira, Mike will not be attending until later.  He is being sent out to obtain a Christmas tree cheap during midnight madness.   I hope he comes home with a tree and a sweater I had my eye on. 

    So sorry for this non-specific rambly post but its my day off today.  What did you expect?

      Oh, as a side note, if I am on anyone's christmas list this year and you just dont know what to buy me...I think I have found my one, true love...It really puts my snuggie to shame.  They are called Forever Lazy and Mike refuses to let me be seen in them, but come on I am Forever Lazy, these are made to be mine...*sigh*

     Have a safe and happy weekend!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Felt Food Feast

     It may or may not look like someone threw up a felt food feast all over my dining room.  OK, if you know me and my crafting ability you already know what me and my dining room looks like while I craft (Yes, I am sure Michele and a few others will never let me live down the Modge Podging experience of 2006).  There are threads and bits of felt everywhere, as far as the eye can see.  Usually not a big deal, who cares right, its my house.

     Company is coming over for dinner.  Like a real home cooked dinner not of the felt variety and they may want to eat it off the table without coloured fuzzy bits all over the pork loin.  It's literally everywhere. Its on my PJ pants, it was on the baby when I got her out of bed.  It even managed to migrate downstairs into Camden's room.

     Maybe, I will just feed them a felt dinner and tell them Camden cooked? 

Ravioli and Sauce

Eggs Sunny Side Up



     Yes, these pictures are just a couple from last years but I can't post pictures of the new stuff yet.  Ella likes to read this. Plus if I took pictures of the new stuff it would just have been a procrastination to avoid cleaning up said mess...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Tiny conspirators

      My kids have it in for me.  Call me crazy but Mike will agree they have been plotting.  Of course, not my Ella though.  Ella, my kind and gentle little soul is too sweet to give her Momma such a hard time.  The little two on the other hand, don't let their cuteness fool you. 

     You may have recently heard about the shortage of sleep around here lately.  It begins the moment my head hits the pillow.  I hear the first cries of the evening.  I get up feed baby or console toddler and crawl back in bed.  It will take no longer than a minute for the other child to start up.  I deal with the other child, then once again get back into my warm comfy bed.  I may squeeze a few minutes rest in and finally get to the stage where you are just dozing off and then it starts all over again.  Repeat all night and you get the kind of sleep deprivation I am dealing with.

     I have tried going to bed early to trick them.  No such luck. They know and the whole process starts even earlier.  Going to bed later results in even less sleep.  I am at a loss.  How do I get more sleep?  I could nap but that doesn't always work. 

   Well off I go to down large amount of caffeine to keep this days on track.  I can already feel myself dragging and its going to be a busy day.  Any coping strategies? A few sleep tricks to share?

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Boy that Breaks my Heart

     Camden told me he didn't love me today.  He loves his daddy, sisters, dog and backhoes, not mommy.  Actually he doesn't like me.  I have to be OK with this but I will admit it hurts a little bit.

    He is going through a Daddy phase ( I hope its a phase).  First thing in the morning he screams for Daddy or if he is being his typical funny self he asks for Michael.  Daddy plays, wrestles and gives in to all his demands.  Maybe because I am trying to potty train him, make him give up his suckys or bottles or maybe its because I am busy with the Baby a lot.  Who knows?

     This wee sweet boy wipes off my kisses and breaks my heart.  He screams at me and it really doesn't matter what I am asking him.  He does the exact opposite of whatever I say.  I now only ask him the opposite of what I want him to do (Don't sit on your chair and don't eat your food) and it works because he refuses to do what I ask.  He tells me to go away.  He won't hug or kiss me either.  He won't even play with me or let me watch a show with him unless I'm the only one home and even then not all the time.

     I know its a temporary thing but I secretly hope he's a Momma's boy.  I don't think he will be though.  He never really has been.  He refused to even acknowledge my presence until he was 18 months old and finally decided he would call me Mama. I can dream though right, after all its me that gets up with him a million times a night, changes his bum and gets his food. I bathe him, wash his clothes and clean up his messes.  He owes me right?

     Am I alone on this? Is he the only one who is like this? He can't be the only stubborn one out there.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap up - Zombie Mom Edition

     Zombie mom, as in this Momma is soooooo tired I am now at official Zombie status.  Total sleep this weekend I am guessing somewhere between 4-6 hours.  Last night, I sleep a whopping 2 hours.  I am not even sure it technically counts as last night as I didn't get to sleep until 5:30 am.  It wasn't for lack of trying on my part.  The kids just like to systematically keep their Momma from a good nights sleep.

     The weekend was filled with Christmas shopping, a Santa Clause Parade and pictures with the big man himself.  Camden is continuing his tradition of screaming like a maniac for his yearly picture.  As you will notice once again a hand forcing him to remain in the picture.  By the next shot, he was gone.

"Let me go!!!"

See, No Camden.  He couldn't get away from Santa fast enough.

     We even tried luring the kids with new Christmas shirts from Old Navy for the picture.

"Love Your Elf"
Ella likes hers and loves having her picture taken.

"Define Naughty"
Harmony didn't seem to mind hers and even seemed right at home on the old man's lap.

"Dear Santa, I can explain..."
Camden liked the shirt but hates having his picture taken.  I couldn't even sneak one while he was eating.  Maybe this is part of why he didn't want to get his taken with Santa.  He loves Santa and loves old guys in the mall.  I am at a loss.

         I am exhausted and even after only a 2 hour nights sleep I still managed to wash floors, vacuum. do laundry and keep the kids alive.  I am off to bed after our Sunday night tradition of Dexter. I hope everyone had as much fun as I did this weekend, with perhaps a little more sleep.  If you did, don't rub it in OK? Thanks!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Its beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas.

     Christmas has started to rear its ugly head ( not the true meaning of Christmas but all the commercialized, blinking, ho ho ho, plastic crap version).  In light of the fact that we have 3 young children we have decided to take the day and go shopping for presents.  I hope you all have a lovely weekend and I'll see you back here for the Weekend Wrap Up on Sunday!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

The Fun Mom

     I've really tried to be the "fun" Mom lately.  I'm sure you know her.  She is the one that does a million crafts with paints, glue and glitter in every colour.  She bakes cookies, cakes and muffins just for fun  Everything is a hands on learning experience with her kids and she does it all in her perfectly coordinated apron. 
     I've tried really hard this week to be "that" mom. Every supper has been home made from scratch with the kids helping.  We also managed to make sugar cookies with sprinkles and icing and home made apple sauce.

       The kids cry, beg, whine to help and how can you deny those sweet little faces, after all they are only little once.  If you don't teach them how to do these things then who will. Its a responsible mothers job to help them learn or thats what I keep telling myself, anyway. To be honest though, lets face it, you want them to remember they had this awesome, fun mom, who always did a crap load of stuff with them. 

     You get half way through the most amazing fun activity ever because you are the most amazing mommy in the whole entire  world ever and they are M.I.A. You find yourself standing alone in the middle of a what looks to be a war zone.  They have gone on to bigger and brighter things, usually the tv because they are "bored" and "this part isn't very fun after all".   I usually start off with a "Life isn't always fun" speech and end up somewhere along the lines of "Get back here dammit! We are making family memories. So you better enjoy it...Oh look smile for the Camera and pretend you are having fun." *Click, flash* Ok fine go watch TV, it's faster and less messy if you don't help anyway.

     I think I still qualify for being the fun mom right? I let them try! Its not my fault they have the attention span of a flea. Please tell me I am not alone on this one?!?!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Almost Wordless Wednesday - I miss this person edition

MISSING - My Former Self

If you've seen her, tell her to get her skinny butt back here.  I miss her and I am sure Mike does too!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Perfect Parent

     How Many times have you ever said, "Oh, My kid would NEVER do that" and how many times has Karma, divine intervention or whatever you happen to believe in, has come right back to bite you in the butt. Never, you say, then you are either not a parent or a big fat liar.  I was in fact the "Perfect Parent" before I had kids.   I have learned as a parent or just as a person in general to Never say Never, you don't know what the future holds.

     Here are some of my favourites, that I personally have regretted saying:

  • My kids will never, ever share my bed  - Camden spent the first 2.5 years of his life there out of sheer desperation on my part and the fact that I was less likely to drop him off on someones doorstep  anonymously if I had at least a few minutes sleep here and there.

  • I will never let myself "go" after I have kids. - Yep, OK because showering every 3rd day is totally acceptable, along with PJ's stained with breast milk , overgrown eyebrows and legs so hairy they could be confused with a yeti's . I am happy to report after 5 months I am somewhat starting to care about myself again.

  • My kids will behave in public and know who is boss. -Oh, they know alright...and it's not me and public tantrums are at an all time low, mainly because we hardly venture out in public anymore, its easier to control the chaos at home, in their native habitat.

  • I will never bribe my children. - Bribery is a necessary parenting tool, I don't care what anyone says we have all done it and do it.  If your child behaves, is toilet trained, eats dinner, behaves, goes to bed, cleans up or behaves you most likely have bribed them.  Sometimes the treat, sticker, pennies are easier than dealing with a full on melt down in the middle of church, crowded doctors office, the middle of the mall etc.

  • My kid will not have sugar (juice, pop, candy, cookies etc).   - Definitely, as long as we lived in a cave somewhere I am sure we could have managed that one.  Moderation is key.

  • I will not drive my child around in the car at 2 am to get them to sleep.  - Camden, Colic, Chronic Ear Infections...'nuff said.

     Being perfect is over rated anyway! Sometimes to be the perfect parent you have to realize you are in fact imperfect, which makes us better.  I strive everyday to be just a little better than I was the day before, a little more patient, a little more strict about somethings, a little more lenient about others, a little more understanding and a better parent, but never will I strive to be perfect.  What works for you, doesn't always work for someone else, or even work for you later on. 

     What are somethings you said you would NEVER EVER do when you were a parent?  I am curious.  I can't be the only one that my pre-baby parenting beliefs have come back to haunt them. The perfect parent pffffffft.  Its a myth.  There is no such thing.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Bad Case of the Mondays

     I went to bed way too late last night.  Dexter was on and then who can fall asleep right away after watching that...not this girl.  I did some laundry, loaded the dishwasher very important, exciting stuff that I wouldn't get to do if the kids were awake and finally headed to bed sometime after midnight

     A little boy woke up sometime around 3ish and was scared and I think it had something to do with a certain someone( not naming any names but it does rhyme with Bike) letting him watch Scooby Doo before bed.  Harmony was up around 5 am to eat and then decided it might be a nice time to start the day. 

     I'm tired and feel slightly ill.  I'm still in my PJ's.  All I can hear is the constant screaming of a highly displeased toddler chucking things around out of anger.  It's only 10 AM. 

     Everything has been a battle this morning.  His breakfast was oatmeal cookies, a bottle of milk and Halloween candy and I am OK with this.  He has watched TV since he woke up this morning and I'm OK with that too. We can't be the perfect parents everyday, especially Mondays.

     I hate Mondays! Mondays are almost always a long screamy day trying to piece back your life after the weekend.  Routines have to be re-established, nap times enforced and some semblance of sanity needs to be restored. 
     Now that Miss Harmony is down for a nap, Mike is gone grocery shopping.  Any guesses as to when she will wake up? The precise moment Daddy walks in the door is my bet, ensuring Mommy doesn't get a nap.  Mike is on afternoons and gets first dibs on nap time before work. 

     Excuse me while I go console the two year old terror that is currently residing here (where did my nice little Camden go) and maybe sneak in a shower, by myself before chaos engulfs us all.