Friday, December 16, 2011

Poop Surprise

   I have been getting hit hard on the poop front lately and frankly, I am kind of sick of all the crap...literally.   Not mine, I know when I have to go and thankfully I have been potty trained for 24 years.  

  Harmony the once a week pooper (yes, its completely normal for breast fed babies to only poop once a week) has started eating real food and well with real food comes a whole lot of poop.  I am constantly being well, surprised with what we call around here little poop surprises.  You know the kind where it hides in the back so when you open the diaper, you think you are in the clear and you pull that diaper off and suddenly surprise there is poo and now its everywhere and it didn't even stink like poo, how is that possible.  Of course there are like only 2 wipes left in the container and if you had of smelled poo you would have grabbed more. *sigh* Now there is a poo mess to clean and usually you are alone so its up to you.

    Camden is even worse for the "Poop Surprise".  He knows he did it but generally won't tell you  and it doesn't always stink either. I have been changing him standing up if its just pee so I can get him to sit on the potty.  This ends disastrously because well then you get little Poop Surprises all over the floor.  Camden think its extra hilarious and yells "Poop Surprise, I surprised you".  Never a good surprise.

     Camden also surprised me the other day by leaving a trail across the dining room floor.  It looked like the Easter Bunny had hit us up early.  I was trying the bottomless potty training method and lets just say it wasn't a huge hit.  I am not a big fan of almost stepping in poo or cleaning it up off the floor.

     Anyone else get hit with the good old Poop Surprise? Make me feel better and tell me some of your funny Poop Surprise stories...about your kids, not really into adult poop surprise stories...they aren't nearly as cute.


  1. Yeah well weren't you there the time John pooped at the top of the slide at Burger King? That was embarasing...wasn't it you and Leia?

  2. Hahahahahaa OMG I laughed through the whole post, and read it out loud to my parents ahahah. I've been there on the whole poop thing and omg it's bad.

    Syd had been doing great on potty training, then this week she's pooping in her diaper!!!! She hadn't done it at home for several months, only if we're out. Anyways she pooped at Costco so I had to change her in the car, well the wipes were frozen ahhahha so I had to try and pull them out and then warm them up in my hands, then put them on. they were still 'weawwy weawwy cowld' haha I told her well that's what you get for pooping in your diaper.


  3. When Chalissa was a day old she had a never ending poop. You'd think with the third one that I'd give it plenty of time before trying to change her but she hit 2 diapers, a sleeper, a receiving blanket and mommy.
