Monday, November 14, 2011

And the Winner is..My Memories Suite Giveaway

The winner of T.E.C.H. TALK's very first giveaway, a copy of My Memories Suite is ...


Thank you to everyone who participated and made our very first giveaway a success. 
If you didn't win and would like to purchase a copy of My Memories Suite for all your digital scrapbooking needs use T.E.C.H. TALK's Exclusive code: STMMMS45299  to recieve $10 off.

Courtney, I will be contacting you shortly with details. A BIG Thank to you the awesome people over at My Memories for this cool giveaway and to everyone who entered.  Please continue to read T.E.C.H. TALK. for all your Blog Reading needs and who knows...maybe more give aways in the future.