Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Busy day

     So yesterday was an accidental no post day.  I had good intentions of posting.  I even started to write a couple of times but I had made promises I intended to keep. Promises that made my little boy squeal with delight and that wasn't a promise I wanted to break.

   I promised we would bake a pie, AGAIN.  That boy just loves his pie, more to bake and less to eat but for me its the time we spend together.  So this past week we have made 2 Lemon Meringue and 1 Lattice Top Apple. I will let you in on a little secret...I don't even really like pie.  I mean the filling is OK but I'm not a huge crust fan but I love making the crust.  Its kind of therapeutic to crush, squish and squash it all up until you have dough then pound and roll it all out.  Its a great stress reliever until Camden gets lard and flour everywhere. 

     We also made a huge batch of applesauce yesterday, mostly for the baby but the kids like some from time to time as well. Its really simple and from the amount of apple sauce we go though a money saver for sure. It's always nice to know where and how it was made as well.

     We also cleaned the house somewhat, and tried a new honey chicken recipe that I ended up not loving very much but it was something new to try anyway. 

     It was a busy day yesterday , where I am pretty sure I spent the entire day in the kitchen, cleaning, baking and cooking but it was a good day.  That, ladies and gentlemen is why there was no post yesterday.  Instead of clicking away on here, I was teaching my son to cook and bake. He loved every minute of it.  I am pretty sure he is going to be just like his dad who doesn't mind cooking and baking either and for that I am thankful.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a good day! I'm not a pie person either. I'll eat it, don't get me wrong, but would prefer something else.
