Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Tick Tock on the Clock...

     Tick Tock on the clock, but the party don't stop...and by party I mean packing. It's never ending. Seriously...Are you sick of me rambling on about it? I'm sick of talking about it, doing it and dreaming of it.  I did however accomplish a lot. Ella's room, our room, toy closet, storage room, laundry area and bathroom are all packed as well as beds disassembled.  Kitchen is almost there and the last remaining storage area is just about complete....minus all the things we are still using.  Thank you to Auntie K who will be dropping by tomorrow to baby wrangle for a bit so I may just get this done.  Also, a big thank you to the 160+  readers who stopped by yesterday to take a peek at our new backyard.  It just goes to show me how nosey you all are, but that's OK, I'm nosey too and if it were the other way around I would be creeping your blog to sneak a peek.  A few more days, a few more dollars and we will be ready to blow this Popsicle stand.  I can't wait!! Did I mention that yet? OK, maybe just a couple of times. I'm really excited to not have to wash dishes by hand and at the end of a crazy day lock myself in my pretty new bathroom with jacuzzi tub while ignoring the children's screaming on the other side of the door.  The kids are terrified of the jets in the tub so this will be an excellent tool to keeping them out .  Mike's Birthday is the day after we move and I've been racking my brain for an awesome present to get him and then it hit me.  We just bought a house and new furniture, I can totally put a bow on our front door.  Problem solved and I'm off the hook.  Don't worry this post wont ruin the surprise as he doesn't read this.  Not even once has he ventured on over to my blog, so my surprise is safe.  Well, this post is a ramble and I have to force children to go to bed so I can indulge in my guilty pleasure of Teen Mom.  We are now down to 1 TV at the moment, so everyone better go to bed early and leave me to my show ( I think I hear a beer calling my name).

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