Monday, September 19, 2011

Chronicles of Camden - 29 months (and 4 days)

Camden at 29 months is incredible.  He is all things delightful and terrifying.  The boy I never knew I needed as I was completely fine with only having girls.  At our doctors after his ultrasound I was told he was a baby girl.  I was so excited to not only have another daughter, re use all things pink and to avoid all things - smelly, dirty, gross and buggy.  I still claim boys are weird but they are now weird and wonderful.

Camden at 29 months loves:
  • Diggers, back hoes, excavators, dump trucks, tractors and anything John Deere green.
  • Bugs, anything that's creepy and crawly and the more it freaks mommy out the better.
  • His sisters...big and little alike.
  • Movies - Veggie Tales is his current favourite - Dave and the Giant Pickle.
  • Books - any book will do.
  • Songs - So long farewell from Sound of Music is a favourite for the "cuckoos" and The building crew song for obvious reasons.
  • Food - He is an eating machine. He loves Snacks.  He still loves his Veggies - Beets are his favourite though.
  • Tanner the dog - that poor pooch puts up with a lot from Camden.
Camden at 29 months can:
  • Sing - lots of songs from playgroup, ones Mommy has taught him or ones he made up himself.
  • Talk a mile a minute. - He had his third speech assessment today and now exceeds his age level in most categories by many months and some past the 3 year old level.
  • Dances, runs, hops, skips and jumps, mostly like a crazy person.
  • Use his imagination. - Plays with his babies, pretends to work etc.
Camden at 29 months wears:
  • 8/9 shoes
  • 24 month ,2 & 3T pants
  • 2 & 3T Shirts and even some 4T
  • Size 5 diapers
My crazy little Camden. The little boy I love most in the whole world.  I am so glad you have introduced me to all things I never wanted or needed to know (the differences between back hoes and front end loaders and all machinery in general).  You are a handful but I wouldn't change you at all (unless you decided to sleep all night long, that I would change).  You have the best smile, personality and laugh.  Please don't change! I enjoy your wild and crazy ways that make you the best little boy I know.


  1. I didn't know you were told he was a girl when you were pregnant!

  2. Hahahaha great post. It's amazing the difference in boys and girls. Everyone told me I was going to have a boy (before my US). And I was trying to get my head about a boy and boy stuff. I'd grown up in a family that only had girls. I was a bit relieved to hear it was a girl. But I know I would have loved having a boy just as much.

