Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday?! Time to get SERIOUS!

     It's Thursday! Not quite sure if you realize this or not but the work week is almost over.  I'm sure if you work outside the home you are quite aware the weekend is lurking about, ready and waiting to be enjoyed. If you are a stay at home mom like myself, it means sometimes, if you are lucky you have an extra pair of hands to help you cram everything you didn't have time for during the week into two short days.  In my case, this week, Thursday means I have the rest of today and tomorrow to pack as much as humanly possible so the weekend is free to oh, that's right pack more and finally go shopping for a new couch/love seat or something like that for the new house. It's time to get serious about this packing business.  We have 15 days until we move.  I am so sick of packing, sorting, needing something I packed, unpacking and repacking.  If I were a rich girl (cue Gwen Stefani's Rich Girl song and wait well I sing it loud and proud...and yes I know its originally from Fiddler on the Roof) OK, as I was saying if I were rich, I would simply pack my favourite things (oh no, Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens...I've got to stop procrastinating...) and start again.  I am not and will be packing the entire contents of our apartment most likely single handed, mainly because I have a baby in my arms and Mike sucks at packing. See Photo.
     Rye and Extension Cords? Really? OK, fine, please don't try to pack anymore, I will do it all. Please go to work.  Camden is gone to his "Gampa Gampas"  for the remainder of today and tomorrow.  I will accomplish something. I'm off to pack and stop this blog nonsense ( my new found way to procastinate) and to loudly sing show tunes that are floating around in this ol'brain of mine. Good thing its cold out today, I have nothing PVR'd to watch.  Packing it is!


  1. if there was a brand of extension cords made by Rye he is off the hook. :)

  2. Ahhh Mike. Well, if there was no way to hook things up in the new house due to too short extension cords, I'd want to drink too. :-)

  3. Your song diversions totally made me smile!
