Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Let's Start at the Very Beginning - A very good place to start!

     Welcome to my blog.  I am Jennifer. This blog has absolutely nothing to do with TECH and EVERYTHING to do with Tanner, Ella, Camden and Harmony or T.E.C.H.  I am not a wonderful writer or talented at it.  I am horrible at sentence structure and not gramatically gifted at all. The reason for this blog is simple.  To journal the lives we live for my childen.  To share their childhoods with friends and relatives and to keep all the memories written down and not forgotten. 

    I am Jennifer as previously stated.  I am currently 27 and dreading the Big 3-0.  I like the colour green, books about the Amish culture, musicals, live theatre and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember.  Any or all of the stuff I like could change at the drop of a hat.  I'm not paticularly witty or charming but I'm me and my kids and Fiance love me.  Thats all that matters.

    Mike, my fiance is amazing.  He is absolutely everything I ever wished for and  a little bit more.  He's patient...with me and the kids, loving, kind (he never says a bad word about anyone, I could learn from him), hard working and every other good quality a guy could have. I love him, a whole lot!

    Ella is 6 years old and is just like her mom, but better in everyway.  She is tall, slender and a real beauty.  She is tender hearted, caring and compassionate.  She loves pink, purple and all things girly. She is an excellent dancer and loves performing her latest dance moves for mommy! She is super smart, funny and a great kid.  She amazes me everyday with the young lady she is growing to be.

    Camden is 2 years old and just like his dad.  He is all about contruction vehicles and tractors.  He loves digging in the dirt, flirting with girls and driving his corvette....Watch out ladies, he's a charmer.  His facial expressions are priceless and a real theatre kid for sure.  He's smart and a real handful at times but we wouldnt trade him for the world.

     Harmony is 3 months old and so far is a good mix.  She's an excellent sleeper but has a real temper at times.  She a big blue eyed beauty just like her sister.  We are discovering everyday just who this little princess is.

    Tanner the wonder dog or puppy...not so much a puppy though at 12 years old.  She is Mike's dog but if we both call her at the same time, she comes to momma!  She's been around longer then me, us or the kids.  She is Mike's first baby.

    We have been a family for 5 years, and engaged for almost a year now.  We are about to embark on a new journey together as home owners, in 17 days. We have both done this before but not together.  We are excited to move into OUR very own place...OUR HOME! 


  1. I'm very excited for you guys as you buy your house! We are actually in the middle of the same adventure, also in 17 days...weird!

  2. I like the name! Looking forward to reading about your fam :)

  3. Yay Jen! So excited for your new blog!!
