Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Commonly heard phrases...This week

   These are some commonly heard phrases at our house as of late:
  • Not in your mouth (about 50 billion times a day)
  • You are not a dog, stop eating the dog food and please stop barking (believe it or not that's directed at the baby)
  • Please tuck "it" down before you pee, Momma doesn't like getting sprayed.
  • Stop licking the toilet, windows, mommy etc.
  • You are not a teenager so quit with the attitude.
  • What's that? Thanks for your boogers, that was lovely ( as I wipe snot off myself)
  • Stop groping Mommy, that's Daddy's Job (usually followed with I thought daddy drove a forklift at work, NEVER MIND)
  • I don't like Poop Surprises
  • Hands out of your pants
  • Pee first, then YouTube
  • Stop sniffing that!
  • You don't have boobs so you don't need a bra (Ella wants to grow up way too fast)
  • Stop poking Mommy's food you have your own food to poke or maybe eat?
  • Don't wipe your hands on the wall, table, dog, sister, brother etc...
  • Is that poop or chocolate? Thank God its chocolate this time.
  • Teeth are for food not people.
  • Hands are for helping not hurting.
  • Why is there water on the floor? wait, its not water *sigh* Why did you pee on the floor? (Camden's Answer: Because I wanted to.)
  • Be KIND!!!!!!!! THAT'S NOT VERY KIND!! (Camden then begs be happy mommy, be kind to me, smile for me)
 And that's this week's commonly heard phrases at my house, I need a vacation!!!

1 comment:

  1. ba hahahaaaaa! I think you must have the mic on at my house!
    tracey hg
