Saturday, April 28, 2012

Catch up Day

     So I didn't post once last week, which is just another bad mommy moment from yours truly.   I wish I had some awesome excuse but I don't.  I am not even sure why it was so hard for me to sit down and write.  Anyway, here is what happened this past week, just to catch up.

  • Wedding Plans - We've gotten a lot accomplished in the last week.  Favours planned, guest list made, invitations designed (yes I know they really need to be sent out soon), menu decided, cake/cupcakes planned, program started, centrepieces chosen and possibly a few other small details worked out...but I've kind of lost track and its 63 days away. I will not panic yet......*deep breaths*

  • Honeymoon plans - We have a kick ass bum (I try really hard not to say bad words) honeymoon planned.  I use the term honeymoon based on the fact we are leaving 6 days after the wedding and that's pretty much the only honeymoon part.  It is pretty amazing though. 10 days in Germany and Austria.  The Austrian part will be spent in an amazing Chalet that we could never afford in a million years but thanks to my niece Kirstin and her connections (her incredibly amazing employer) will have a beautiful chalet in what looks to be mountains (think the Hills are Alive with the Sound of Music).  The time in Germany will be spent cruising the Autobahn in white knuckled fear and exploring everything we can.  Accompanying us on this trip will be Harmony since she is free to fly.  We would have loved to take the other 2 but at $1000 a ticket round trip (and that's on the cheap end) it just wasn't feasible. My far away niece Kiki will be meeting up with us in Munich and exploring Austria with us.  I am so glad she will finally get to meet Harmony.  Also making the trek with us is my parents, little brother, sister and brother in law.  Interesting side note - It is my parents 50th wedding anniversary this year and my sister and brother in laws 25th so what a great way to celebrate all this love...I just hope the walls are thick or maybe I should just pack ear plugs.

  • Ghost Busting - Camden has developed an irrational fear of our house lately, which makes it pretty hard to live day to day life.  He has hated this house since the day we moved in and it makes no sense.  Its a million times better and yet he begs to move back every day to his old house. No he has been telling me there are ghosts in our house and is absolutely terrified. He calls up his Gampa Gampa and begs to go there because there house is better and has no ghosts.  He has slept there 2 nights this week because he is happier there and sleeps. At home he whines, cries and has panic attacks at bedtime.  The only night this week he went to bed peacefully is the night we told the so called ghosts to take a hike and then said a 10 minute bedtime prayer.  I am not a believer in ghosts but this kid is freaked out and after what he has been telling me it started to freak me out too. Hopefully things will calm down soon because I can't handle a kids to be afraid in his own house.

  • R & R - Not so much for me but for poor Ella who got the stomach bug worse than everyone else put together in our house. She was sick for 9 days.  She is finally on the mend and back to school.  She is down quiet a few pounds which is kinda scary when she now weighs only 45 lbs at 7 years old and she is extremely tall. I know she will start to gain again but the kid looks like she could snap in two.

     That's pretty much it for this week.  I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend and I promise to do better with my posts next week.


  1. I'm so excited to hear that the wedding plans are coming together so well, and so quickly!! ANd I'm super jealous of your honeymoon plans. Take a LOT of pictures! Love ya!

  2. no wonder you haven't posted!!! you've been busy! glad wedding plans are taking shape!
