Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tiny Terror

     There is a destructive force in this house and its getting to be a real nuisance.  Baseboards ripped from the wall, air vents ripped from the floor, door stoppers pulled off, dog water and food dumped, cupboards emptied, drawers emptied and contents destroyed and now recently an iPod (My iPod touch to be exact).  If the nuisance weren't so darn cute I would think about a trade in.   This ladies and gentleman is the face of a force to be reckoned with .....

     Now before you tell me, well if you paid closer attention etc etc....I do. She is small and quick.  She fits into places she shouldn't.  She laughs when you say no, giggles when you tap her hand and a redirection lasts 5 seconds because she doesn't forget a thing.  She also has a temper and attitude, she throws a real lovely tantrum when she doesn't get her way.

     I would write more about her antics but in the time it took to write this she has emptied the dog's water, removed an air vent and filled it with toys, shoved things in the printer, let herself out the screen door and destroyed some scrap booking stickers.  I think I will be taking my sister's advice and will be dragging the playpen out of storage or as we call Baby Jail.

     I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.  I know we did. Enjoy your Tuesday that feels like a Monday.

 Doesn't she look harmless?


  1. Sounds like you might need some powerful glue for those baseboards, and find a way to attach the vents to the floor...we have the same problem! You'd think the cuts on their hands from the vents would discourage them...!

  2. Our first was exactly like that with the addition of super climbing powers. Caulking the vents to the wall and floor worked well. I was tempted to caulk HIM to the floor, but I was told that would be frowned upon......
