Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

     All I want for Mother's Day is a large bottle of short 12 hours uninterrupted sleep...heck, I'll take 8 hours.  I am not selfish or picky, 5 would even do.  Sleep in my own bed without children, crumbs or spilled milk.  I would love to wake up without literally falling off the edge because there is no room for me. I would love to wake up without 2 giant teddy bears and 6 Webkinz staring me in the face.  I would love to wake up without a sore back because I was sleeping on 5 soothers that we lost and materialized on my side of the bed.  It would be even better to wake up in a dry bed where someones diaper didn't leak all over my PJ's.  Oh and how heavenly to be woke up with breakfast in bed and not share that food with little people because my toast looks better then their toast.  I could read quietly while sipping hot coffee and munching happily in a bed with clean sheets.  Breakfast conversation wouldn't revolve around explaining Humpty Dumpty for the 40 billionth time this week or repeating hands out of your pants while eating breakfast and begging the baby to just say she is all done rather then chuck her entire breakfast on the floor.  This is one of my biggest fantasy's! This would be the most romantic thing Mike could ever do for me.  Sadly, I am pretty sure I am getting a Steam Mop because "You Love Cleaning" You know what I love more? Not seeing you happily snoozing beside me while I decide if I should push you off the bed or junk punch you. I really do love you Michael but I do not love cleaning more than sleep, when I have not slept in over 3 years....The End!

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