Things I have learned today:
- Sometimes its ok to feel like you want to give up on being a mom (the feeling usually passes pretty quick when the kids turn on their charm).
- 2 year olds can in fact hear you when you speak to them but lack the ability to respond unless it involves chocolate, candy or some other treat.
- Babies give the best kisses, its even better if they don't have teeth yet or else you become their chew toy.
- You know you are doing a good job when your 6 year old tells says you are the best mom in the entire world ever and she is glad you are her Mommy.
- Your heart can in fact melt. It happens immediately when your toddler says please kiss me more, I love it. It makes me happy, does it make you happy too Mommy?
- Kids are the greatest blessing in life ( I already knew this but sometimes you forget).