Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All You Need is Love!

     All you need is Love, or something like that anyway.  Today was going to be filled with cute pictures of my kids in their valentines day outfits and sappy musings on love but instead you will receive some Valentines funnies.  Why?  I was up with 3 children last night.  One was fussy wouldn't sleep unless directly sleeping on top of me, coughing and miserable.  One was miserable, warm, coughing and countless wake ups.  One was miserable, puking and had a fever of 102.  Instead of dressing them up cute, they are dressed in clean PJ's which is a step up from the pee soaked or vomit stained ones from last night.  Instead of telling each other how much they love each other and hugging, I can hear them screaming and slapping each other while the Full house theme song blares from my room (Why do sick kids love my bed instead of their own or the wipe off leather couch?).  So here is a little bit of Valentines fun.

Awwww...True Love Right There!

Together Forever!

LOL...Thats Just Mean but a little funny

Its pathetic how many details I have of wedding plans on pinterest with no date set

Agreed! You Do Suck, No not you I like you, that person that probably won;t read this but I wish they would.
Probably the guy about his Xbox or rather his Ex Box

If I were handing out Valentines this would be what I would hand out mainly because my love for Elton John is infinite!

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