Monday, February 6, 2012

All Growed up?

     At what point do you have to accept that you are a grown up? When you turn 18? When you have a baby or 3? Is it the house with a mortgage? A dog? A spouse? When you spend the majority of your day cleaning up, cooking and wiping bums? When you leave the house every day at stupid o'clock to go to work? I do all of these, except getting up at stupid o'clock to leave for work because I get up at stupid o'clock to wipe bums and to feed a baby - which I think is better , minus not getting paid to do it.

     I don't feel like a grown up.  I still wonder how I got here.  How am I 28? Where did the last 10 years go? Oh I know...I was in such a rush to grow up and now I am supposedly there and I don't feel like a grown up and I dont't really want to be one anyway (I wouldn't trade what I have for the world but one last day to live carefree and then I could accept it...well maybe). I mean I feel responsible, motherly and all that lovely stuff just not as old as I am (Shut up, I know its all a matter of opinion about age so let me have my moment to complain...k...thanks).  I don't feel old on the inside and then I walk past a mirror and pow...what the heck? who is that? oh yeah, its me...not the me when I picture myself in my head but the real me, the one everyone else gets to see. I guess I am a grown up now. I still however am not truly convinced I am, so I saw this list and read it.

     If the majority of the list applies to me, it does make me a grown up right? Yeah, I thought so! Doesn't mean I have to act like a grown up thought!!! Anyone else in denial? Join me, its fun!

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