Friday, February 10, 2012

Funny Friday

     Since we are pretty much all sick, grumpy, tired, sick, miserable etc.  I didn't write anything today, so as Camden sits on my lap still whining like Calliou (seriously going to lose it very shortly) I decided we would post some random, funny pictures we came across on PINTEREST.  It was a nice quiet 5 mninutes while the kids stopped whining and looked at pictures. Those 5 minutes are up and here you go.

Who doesn't love a little Sesame Street Humour?

If you don't get this, then you don't watch Teen Mom 2.

Oh, I hate glitter, its evil.


This one cracked the kids up!

Well the kids are whiny and I am whiny and Mike's working so have a great evening everyone while I count down the minutes until bedtime.

1 comment:

  1. Is it bad that I totally got the Teen Mom 2, as soon as I saw it? LOL!!
