Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'll sleep when I'm dead!

     My children hate me.  Oh sure, they pretend to love me, kiss me goodnight and flash me that angelic grin.  I know the truth.  They have been plotting to slowly drive me to the edge of insanity.  Sleep deprivation is what they are aiming for and I believe we are there.  It makes you slow, dumb and weak. Oh we are definitely there.  It's only a matter of time before they start their mind control techniques. Oh crap, I think they have started that too!  In my weakened state of mind they talked me into cookies for breakfast and I willingly obliged.

     My total amount of sleep for last night totals 45 Minutes and that wasn't all at once.  I made the rounds between the 4 bedrooms.  It went a little something like this.  I woulds start to fall asleep and the baby would cry and take 15- 30 minutes to put her back to sleep. I would climb back into bed, start to fall asleep and Camden would scream bloody murder for Daddy who miraculously couldn't hear him.  Reassure Camden for 5 - 10 minutes and crawl back into bed.  Start to fall asleep and Ella started screaming about a bad dream.  Wash, rinse and repeat or rather lay down. close eyes, and and be startled awake just as you start to drift off.

     I exhausted, no wait, I'm beyond exhausted.  Is there a word for that? I should really look that up, if I remember in my compromised mental state.  I really am 2 seconds from sitting here silently staring and drooling, mainly because I am too tired to even swallow or blink.

     Off I go to suck it up and get on with my day. I could sit around and be grumpy and tired all day but really who has time for that.  So have a great day everyone while I entertain my little angels with out losing my mind or my temper.

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