Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Another Month Older - 9 Months

     Well time certainly needs to slow down.  Harmony is now 9 months old.  She is rapidly leaving babyhood behind and seems to be on the fast track to being a toddler. I'm not even sure how that's possible but babies grow up much to my sorrow.

Harmony at 9 months is:
  • 16 lbs (only gained a few ounces since last month)
  • 26 inches (no change there)
Harmony at 9 Months wears:
  • Size 2 Diapers
  • Size 3-6 Months, 6 Months and a few small 6-9 month clothes
  • Size 1 and 2 shoes (not that she keeps them on)
Harmony at 9 Months:
  • claps to music, at the mention of patty cake, when anyone cheers...she is a clapping machine
  • waves bye bye every time someone leaves or at bedtime
  • dances a funny little wiggle dance when she hears music
  • crawls everywhere and anywhere
  • pulls up to stand everywhere and attempted to escape the crib
  • is working on 4 teeth but nothing has popped up yet
  • on her first round of antibiotics for a chest cold
  • starting to sleep through the night again occasionally
  • has become a complete mommy's girl
Harmony at 9 Months says:
  • Mama , Ella, Baba, Dada (sometimes) and is working on Duck
Harmony at 9 months eats:
  • All Veggies
  • All Fruits
  • All Meats
  • Bread, Cheerios, Puffs
  • Breast Milk, Formula and Water
Things I Never Want to Forget:
  • Your big toothless grin
  • How you stop immediately when you hear your name
  • How you giggle when I tell you No
  • How fast you move when you see something you want
  • Your adorable laugh
  • Your crazy hair that is long in the front and sticks up, so cute!

Someone got into Daddy's closet

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tell Me Tuesday :What's in a name?

     After a discussion with friends about nick names and names, it got me thinking (yes I know terrifying) about the kids names and nicknames. Why we chose what we did and what we call them now.  I know if I don't record this, I will eventually forget.

Gabriella Audrey - Gabriella was one of the only names we could agree on.  We loved the sound of Ella but decided she should have a full name in case she needed something professional sounding when she was an adult.  We shortened to Ella right away as we never wanted her to be called Gabby as it always sounds so negative to us (no offense to those that call their kids gabby, it just wasn't right for us).  Audrey is after my grandmother.  She always hated her name but I always loved it.  It reminded me of a cartoon I once saw Little Audrey.  We also have a tradition in our family that all the grand kids have to have "A" middle names.  We now have a Alexandria, Ainsley, Anne, Amelia, Ashton, Anthony, Alyssa, Alexander x 2, Anastasia, Audrey and Allegra. The Audrey just fit in and what a nice way to honour my grandma. Now we call her Ella, Smella, Smelly, Bella.

Ella - beautiful Fairy
Gabriella - Strength from God
Audrey - Noble Strength

Camden Alexander Michael - We couldn't decide on any girls names and this was a problem because I was told he was a girl and I kept it a secret from Mike. We flipped and flopped on all sorts of names and the only name we could agree on was Camden Alexander but it was for a boy.  Camden I have always liked and heard it as a last name on the TV show 7th Heaven.  Alexander is well an "A" name and a family name from Mike's side. After Camden was born I decided Michael should be added after his Daddy.  As a side not never suggest a ridiculous name as a joke, your significant other will fall in love with it.  I am really thankful we didn't end up with Quintana Roo. Camden has had several nicknames but none that seem to stick besides trouble and lately Handsome Devil.

Camden - Winding Valley
Alexander - Helper and defender of mankind
Michael - Who is like God

Harmony Allegra Hazel: We knew 100% that Harmony was a girl, after several ultrasounds and a 3D one to confirm.  We couldn't agree on a name and went into the delivery room with two. Genevieve and Harmony.  After she was born we still couldn't decide. We waited until they cleaned her up so we could get a good look at her and decide. Every time we mentioned Harmony she was quiet and every time we said Genevieve she cried.  She chose her own name. Allegra was just a nice "A" name and Hazel was after Mike's Grandmother that he never had a chance to meet. We often refer to her as the Baby or Baby Peanut.

Harmony - A Beautiful Blending
Allegra - Joyful, merry
Hazel - commander

There you have it. The whys and hows behind our beautiful children's names.  How did you choose your baby's name? Why?

Monday, February 27, 2012

Book Worms

     I am raising 3 book worms and as a result we read countless stories a day.  I started off reading to them probably before they were born and haven't stopped since.  Honestly they can't get enough, which is great and it has really paid off for the oldest 2 so far.  Ella, in grade one can read anything put in front of her (it isn't so great when she can read over my shoulders and read what she shouldn't) and Camden already has an amazing grasp on early literacy skills...Harmony still likes to chew on books but we are working on that.   They come by it honestly...I devour books and will read everything and anything.  In the past few weeks I haven't read as much as I usually do because the librarys wait lists have seemed unusually long.  I generally average 3 books a week, unless we are super busy or the books are incredibly long.

I have read in the last few weeks:

The Hunger Games Trilogy - The Hunger Games, Catching Fire, Mockingjay
The Night Circus
The Help No Water for Elephants
The Help
Also 5 or 6 free books on my Kobo App but none of them were note worthy and now I know why they were free.

I am looking for some new reading material, any must reads out there? Also, the kids are starved for some new books to check out or maybe Mommy is...There is only so many times you can read the same old books which I have commited to memory and so have the kids. So please post some suggestions for me or the kids.  Please we are begging you!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Another lesson in parenting

      Things I have learned today:
  • Sometimes its ok to feel like you want to give up on being a mom (the feeling usually passes pretty quick when the kids turn on their charm).

  • 2 year olds can in fact hear you when you speak to them but lack the ability to respond unless it involves chocolate, candy or some other treat.

  • Babies give the best kisses, its even better if they don't have teeth yet or else you become their chew toy.

  • You know you are doing a good job when your 6 year old tells says you are the best mom in the entire world ever and she is glad you are her Mommy.

  • Your heart can in fact melt.  It happens immediately when your toddler says please kiss me more, I love it. It makes me happy, does it make you happy too Mommy?

  • Kids are the greatest blessing in life ( I already knew this but sometimes you forget).

Thursday, February 23, 2012

I'll sleep when I'm dead!

     My children hate me.  Oh sure, they pretend to love me, kiss me goodnight and flash me that angelic grin.  I know the truth.  They have been plotting to slowly drive me to the edge of insanity.  Sleep deprivation is what they are aiming for and I believe we are there.  It makes you slow, dumb and weak. Oh we are definitely there.  It's only a matter of time before they start their mind control techniques. Oh crap, I think they have started that too!  In my weakened state of mind they talked me into cookies for breakfast and I willingly obliged.

     My total amount of sleep for last night totals 45 Minutes and that wasn't all at once.  I made the rounds between the 4 bedrooms.  It went a little something like this.  I woulds start to fall asleep and the baby would cry and take 15- 30 minutes to put her back to sleep. I would climb back into bed, start to fall asleep and Camden would scream bloody murder for Daddy who miraculously couldn't hear him.  Reassure Camden for 5 - 10 minutes and crawl back into bed.  Start to fall asleep and Ella started screaming about a bad dream.  Wash, rinse and repeat or rather lay down. close eyes, and and be startled awake just as you start to drift off.

     I exhausted, no wait, I'm beyond exhausted.  Is there a word for that? I should really look that up, if I remember in my compromised mental state.  I really am 2 seconds from sitting here silently staring and drooling, mainly because I am too tired to even swallow or blink.

     Off I go to suck it up and get on with my day. I could sit around and be grumpy and tired all day but really who has time for that.  So have a great day everyone while I entertain my little angels with out losing my mind or my temper.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Not one for the kids.

     Everyone needs a little spice in their lives right?  I have a dear friend who has started an online business called Pyjama Party.  A wide variety of products (think Fantasia and I'm not talking about the Disney movie with magic brooms and Mickey Mouse.) for adults. They offer good prices and a friendly, non judgemental service as well as discreetion for those that are easily embarrassed. It's a Canadian company with a Canadian supplier.  So if you are experiencing the winter blahs and need a little something to liven things up please check out this site, if you are 18 years or older, Pyjama Party.  They carry everything from lotions, potions, batteries and beyond.  If the don't carry it and you want something specific you can contact them and they will do their best to get it for you.  Now here comes the best part.  Pyjama Party is offering my readers an exclusive coupon code for 10% off.  COUPON CODE : ANGER   That's right I'm a coupon code for adult fun.  Have a fun Wednesday and happy shopping.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Sweet Moments

     We are having a great day. One of those days that makes all the hard ones disappear. A day where I don't use the Angry mommy voice but a calm rational one.  When dancing in the kitchen is a must, first fast and crazy then slow and snuggly with a kid on each hip and a grin on each face. Kisses, hugs and I love yous are flowing freely from my usual beast like child and I barely recognize him (well his attitude anyway, he's still the same adorable little man). He even made me promise to never leave him forever. We haven't fought and he hasn't pretended to shoot me with his ray gun or throw me in the garbage. Days like today make all the sleepless nights worth it and believe me there have been a lot of sleepless nights. I love days like today.

Monday, February 20, 2012

In Our Home

We Do Second Chances
We Do Thank Yous
We Do Real
We Do I'm Sorrys
We Do Love
We Do Laughter
We Do Mistakes
We Do Respect
We Do Happiness
We Do Dreams
We Do Faith
We Do Family

     A while ago, I saw this as a sign on pinterest and I loved it! These are the rules of our family and will soon be posted on our wall as a constant reminder of the family we are and strive to be. What does  your family "Do"?  Happy Family Day Everyone!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

How do I Love you?

I Just love this post! I read it on one of my Mommy friend's blog. You can check out her awesome blog here at The Tompkins Family . It was orginally posted on Creative With Kids.  You can never tell your kids enough, how much you love them.

Tell to your child:
1. I love you.
2. love you no matter what.
3. I love you even when you are angry at me.
4. I love you even when I am angry with you.
5. I love you when you are far way.  My love for you can reach you wherever you are.
6. If I could pick any 4 year old (5 year old, 6 year old…) in the whole wide world, I’d pick you.
7. I love you to the moon and then around the stars and back again.
8. Thank you.
9. I enjoyed playing with you today.
10. My favorite part of the day was when I was with you and we were _______.
Tell them:
11. The story of their birth or adoption.
12. About how you cuddled them when they were a baby.
13. The story of how you chose their name.
14. A story about yourself when you were their age.
15. A story about how their grandparents met.
16. What your favorite color is.
17. That sometimes you struggle too.
18. That when you’re holding hands and you give three squeezes, it’s a secret code that means, “I love you”.
19. What the plan is.
20. What you’re doing right now.
21. Freeze Tag
22. Uno
23. Crazy 8s
24. Gin Rummy
25. Memory
26. Go Fish
27. I Spy- especially when you’re tired of driving and feel snappish
28. Catch
29. To catch their kiss and put it on your cheek.
30. That their tickle tank is empty and you have to fill it.
31. That their high five is so powerful it nearly knocks you over.
32. That you are super ticklish.
33. That you are explorers in the amazing new world of your backyard.
34. That it’s party day!  Decorate for no reason!
35. To get enough sleep.
36. To drink enough water.
37. To eat decent food.
38. Wearing earrings, or whatever makes you feel pretty.
39. Calling a friend the next time you feel like you are about to lose it with the kids.
40. Giving a gentle touch to show approval, rather than saying something.
41. Dancing in the kitchen.
42. To get your kids to bop to the music with you in the car.
43. Showing your kids that you can do a somersault or handstand or a cartwheel.
44. Keeping that sigh to yourself.  Just jump in and help clean up cheerfully.
45. Using a kind voice, even if you have to fake it.
46. A book of silly poems.
47. A book and then act it out. (Like “I’m going on a Bear Hunt”)
48. Your favorite childhood book to them.
49. When the afternoon is starting to go astray.
50. Outside under a tree.
51. In the library kids corner.
52. The comic book they love that you’re not so hot on.
53. About age appropriate behavior so you can keep your expectations realistic.
54. To your child in the car.
55. To that Lego description, and think how important it is to your child.
56. For that question that indicates your child really needs your input.
57. One second longer than you think you have patience for.
58. For the feelings behind your child’s words.
59. Why do you think that happens?
60. What do you think would happen if______?
61. How shall we find out?
62. What are you thinking about?
63. What was your favorite part of the day?
64. What do you think this tastes like?
65. Your child how to do something instead of banning them from it.
66. How to whistle with a blade of grass.
67. How to shuffle cards- make a bridge if you can!
68. How to cut food.
69. How to fold laundry.
70. How to look up information when you don’t know the answer.
71. Affection to your spouse.
72. That taking care of yourself is important.
Take Time:
73. To watch construction sites.
74. To look at the birds.
75. To allow your child to help you dump ingredients in the bowl.
76. To walk places together.
77. To dig in the dirt together.
78. To do a task at your child’s pace.
79. To just sit with you child while they play.
80. That your child is capable.
81. That you are the right parent for your child.
82. That you are enough.
83. That you can do what is right for your family.
Delight your child:
84. Clean your child’s room as a surprise.
85. Put chocolate chips in the pancakes.
86. Put a love note in their lunch.
87. Make their snack into a smile face shape.
88. Make sounds effects while you help them do something.
89. Sit on the floor with them to play.
Let Go:
90. Of the guilt.
91. Of how you thought it was going to be.
92. Of your need to be right.
93. A look with Kind Eyes to your child.
94. A smile when your child walks into the room.
95. A kind touch back when your child touches you.
96. The chance to connect before you correct so that your child can actually hear your words.
97. Your child a chance to work out their frustrations before helping them.
98. A bath when the day feels long.
99. A hug.
100. You get to choose the next one!  What is your favorite way to be kind to your child

Thursday, February 16, 2012

A little "US" Time

     Time for "US"? I'm not even sure what that is. Its been a long time since we've been out alone together.  It was New Years I think and even that was just a quick dinner out and back before the kids even missed us.  We have 2 dates in 2 days planned. I can't even believe it.  Do you know how excited I am? If you have small children then I know you do.

    Tonight, we are going out for dinner, alone. We are going to eat with big people forks, plates without cartoons and cups without lids.  No one will smear food on my clothes, eat my food before I get to taste it or throw a tantrum.  I will get to eat steak and have a conversation that doesn't include body parts or functions. We are going to a local place Nikos, that is offering an awesome date night package for grownups.  They don't offer happy meals with toys or treasure boxes for good kids who eat their dinner, a real grown up dinner. After we will be heading out to our beloved local theatre (the one we used to live at and be so incredibly involved with) to watch Arsenic and Old Lace.  I can't wait because we haven't been back to Theatre Tillsonburg since we moved in October and well I kind of missed
 it. A dinner and a show, what more could I want.  Nothing, I am looking forward to an evening with the man I love. We will hold hands, kiss and laugh. 

     Friday, luck us get to go out again, this time to see a band and have some drinks. I will stay up past 10 o'clock by choice and not because I'm being held hostage in a dark nursery with a baby who refuses to sleep.  We will enjoy an adult beverage or two and its going to taste so good. I'm just so darn excited.

     Don't get me wrong, I LOVE my kids and I LOVE spending every waking second of day with them but it will be nice to have Mike all to myself.  The only time we get so see each other is over a messy meal time, playing Lego on the floor or bedtime (the kids not ours, I don't sleep remember).  It will be so great to sit, talk and enjoy each others company and remember why we choose the crazy life we have.  I am pretty sure I don't need a reminder....We are crazy about each other!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday - Photo Fun

Going for a ride in the Doll Stroller

Eye Spy?

 Daddy and his baby

A new shipment of Baby has arrived

Isn't she so beautiful?

Must have been a rough day!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

All You Need is Love!

     All you need is Love, or something like that anyway.  Today was going to be filled with cute pictures of my kids in their valentines day outfits and sappy musings on love but instead you will receive some Valentines funnies.  Why?  I was up with 3 children last night.  One was fussy wouldn't sleep unless directly sleeping on top of me, coughing and miserable.  One was miserable, warm, coughing and countless wake ups.  One was miserable, puking and had a fever of 102.  Instead of dressing them up cute, they are dressed in clean PJ's which is a step up from the pee soaked or vomit stained ones from last night.  Instead of telling each other how much they love each other and hugging, I can hear them screaming and slapping each other while the Full house theme song blares from my room (Why do sick kids love my bed instead of their own or the wipe off leather couch?).  So here is a little bit of Valentines fun.

Awwww...True Love Right There!

Together Forever!

LOL...Thats Just Mean but a little funny

Its pathetic how many details I have of wedding plans on pinterest with no date set

Agreed! You Do Suck, No not you I like you, that person that probably won;t read this but I wish they would.
Probably the guy about his Xbox or rather his Ex Box

If I were handing out Valentines this would be what I would hand out mainly because my love for Elton John is infinite!

Monday, February 13, 2012

On the Mend, I hope!

     I think we just may be on the mend.  Fevers have broken, appetites are rebounding and the sibling squabbles are back.  All that remains is a cacophony of coughs and the whining...Oh the whining is a killer.  The noses are still continually running that lovely shade of snot green and the 2 little ones rub it all over their faces.  Its oh so lovely.  Harmony has also decided that in the midst of all the sickness that now would be a perfect time to start teething and I can in fact feel a tooth or two.  Nothing imminent but sooner rather than later.  I am so happy that we are starting to feel somewhat human again so tomorrow we can have some family fun together on Valentines day and share our love and not our boogers.

     I would also like to ask for every one's prayers and good thoughts for Ella's new baby sister, who is quite sick in the hospital and giving her Mommy and Daddy a scare.  It's never easy with a sick kid, but its even harder when they are sick, in the hospital and so tiny and new.   We wish this Baby Girl to get well quickly so she can come home soon.

     I hope everyone has a nice Monday.  I am off to kill all the sick bugs and scrape together the house while Harmony naps in her swing (this is the first time ever she has napped in her swing).

Friday, February 10, 2012

Funny Friday

     Since we are pretty much all sick, grumpy, tired, sick, miserable etc.  I didn't write anything today, so as Camden sits on my lap still whining like Calliou (seriously going to lose it very shortly) I decided we would post some random, funny pictures we came across on PINTEREST.  It was a nice quiet 5 mninutes while the kids stopped whining and looked at pictures. Those 5 minutes are up and here you go.

Who doesn't love a little Sesame Street Humour?

If you don't get this, then you don't watch Teen Mom 2.

Oh, I hate glitter, its evil.


This one cracked the kids up!

Well the kids are whiny and I am whiny and Mike's working so have a great evening everyone while I count down the minutes until bedtime.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Thankful Thursday - 3 Cutest Kids Edition

     Today and well every day I am thankful for the 3 cutest kids I've ever seen and I am so happy they are mine. I know you are saying in your head, yeah I guess they are cute but they aren't as cute as mine, and I am saying back in my head, yeah, tell yourself whatever you need to but my kids are still the cutest, we will call yours a close second.  I mean who doesn't love a big ,blue eyed blondie or 3. Even if they are monsters sometimes, I am still thankful they are mine and that they are healthy and happy!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Not so Wordless Wednesday - Lies and Apple Pies

     I lied, I know, I know...I am a horrible example.  I totally was going to have a lazy week with the kids but then the Mom guilt kicked in. 

     It all started with the kids having colds and just being miserable.  Camden was pressing my buttons beyond his normal testing the limits to see how crazy he can make Mommy before she snaps.   I had to pull out the "ANGRY MOM" voice and I really hate that.  I get all loud and grumpy sounding.  He just wasn't listening.  The baby poked Ella in the eye and made her a whiny mess for the evening (Ella not the baby).  We had to do something that kept our hands and minds busy.  We decided on an apple pie.  The kids washed and dried the apples.  We peeled, cored and cut them.  They rolled out the dough.  We filled up the pie with apples, sugar and cinnamon as well as flour and butter.  We put the lattice top on and voila pie.  They were so proud.  They couldn't wait for it to bake.  While it was baking we used the rest of the apples to make apple sauce.  While the pie was cooling we did crafts and made valentines.  By this point I wanted to collapse on the floor and cry or sleep but that would have been a horrible idea, leaving 3 young children to fend for themselves.  They had pie for their bedtime snack and Ella asked for a piece.  I couldn't believe it.  Ella is pretty much a non dessert eater.  She is just like me and isn't a fan of many sweets.  She took a piece and gobbled it up.  Its amazing what kids will eat if they make it.  She thought it was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted.

     The house is falling down around us but the kids had fun and I felt bad for them because they aren't feeling great and its even worse today.  Ella has the sniffles but is still healthy enough to go to school.  Camden sounds like that whiny brat Calliou from TV (you know that whiny bald kid every mom wants to punch), thankfully Camden is about a billion times cuter, which makes the whining a tad more tolerable.  Poor baby Harmony sounds like a seal. Actually I overheard Ella say the dog sounds funny, it was Harmony not the dog.  I can already feel the sickness seeping into my pores, slowly taking over my body with a sniffle here and a unexpected cough there.  Not that I am surprised.  Camden coughed or sneezed directly into my face at least 46 times yesterday.  The baby slept on my chest for a good portion of the night, so really I am a ticking time bomb of sickness just waiting to feel like death.  So before the sickness consumes me I have to clean the entire house so I can Lysol the crap out of it, drink my vitamin C immune boost and pray for the strength to deal with the sickies while Mike works afternoon shift.  If I get sick and the house is a mess, I will feel even worse, so off I go, wish me luck!   

                                                 Here are our pictures from baking yesterday.

Just like a steam roller, right mommy?

Look at her go!

Can't wait for it to bake!

Very proud!

Hanging out in Mommy's arm while the chaos consumes the house.

Delicious! Apple Pie and Ice Cream!

Apple pie and poked in the eye, poor Bella!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A Bad Mom Week

     I think it's going to be a bad mom week.  I just don't have the energy this week.  It will be a week where we use more disposable diapers than cloth. The laundry will pile up in the laundry room and stay there until I can do something with it.  The house won't be clean and the toys will lay strewn about.  Meals will be simple and home made dessert unheard of. The messiest playtime will be play dough and I am OK with that.  The TV is on and that's OK too.  The baby is cranky and on a nap strike.  Camden isn't feeling very well with red cheeks and a crusty attitude.  IN fact we all have a crusty attitude this week.  Lack of sleep and lack of warm sunny days.  Spring can't come soon enough.  We are sick of being cooped up and we are all in need of a vacation.  Well I could sure use one at least.  Sitting here at the computer for 5 minutes uninterrupted will have to do.  Oh, I take that back a sick little boy is demanding baby cookies and ginger ale while he watches Elmo.  Its definitely going to be a lazy , bad mommy week.  

Monday, February 6, 2012

All Growed up?

     At what point do you have to accept that you are a grown up? When you turn 18? When you have a baby or 3? Is it the house with a mortgage? A dog? A spouse? When you spend the majority of your day cleaning up, cooking and wiping bums? When you leave the house every day at stupid o'clock to go to work? I do all of these, except getting up at stupid o'clock to leave for work because I get up at stupid o'clock to wipe bums and to feed a baby - which I think is better , minus not getting paid to do it.

     I don't feel like a grown up.  I still wonder how I got here.  How am I 28? Where did the last 10 years go? Oh I know...I was in such a rush to grow up and now I am supposedly there and I don't feel like a grown up and I dont't really want to be one anyway (I wouldn't trade what I have for the world but one last day to live carefree and then I could accept it...well maybe). I mean I feel responsible, motherly and all that lovely stuff just not as old as I am (Shut up, I know its all a matter of opinion about age so let me have my moment to complain...k...thanks).  I don't feel old on the inside and then I walk past a mirror and pow...what the heck? who is that? oh yeah, its me...not the me when I picture myself in my head but the real me, the one everyone else gets to see. I guess I am a grown up now. I still however am not truly convinced I am, so I saw this list and read it.

     If the majority of the list applies to me, it does make me a grown up right? Yeah, I thought so! Doesn't mean I have to act like a grown up thought!!! Anyone else in denial? Join me, its fun!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Welcome to the Jungle

     It's pure chaos over here lately.  Harmony is on the move, Camden loves a good mess and Mike's on afternoons.  Have you seen the white flag flying from our house (not to be confused with the pirate flags in the back yard although they more accurately describe our household).  I surrender! I am no longer going to fight these battles.  They are never ending, so why bother.

  • Cheerios! Anywhere and everywhere.  They are scattered on the floors, exersaucer, high chair, my bed (they migrated) and even the laundry (dirty not clean).

  • Play dough! We play with play dough at least 5 times a day, if not more.  Its Camden's favourite. Its been stuck to the floor, walls, clothes and as of yesterday the inside of the baby's mouth.  I now know why my mom would never let me play with it indoors and here I just thought she was being mean.

  • Fridge Magnets! Currently a whopping 63 have been plastered on my poor fridge door. We have a myriad of farm animals with a talking barn (thank you leapfrog), pet shop animals, a mixed matched alphabet and countless others. 

  • LEGO! You haven't felt pain until you step on a piece, in the middle of the night, while you quietly sneak out of the baby's room using your Mommy Ninja skills, only to wake the baby while you try to silently curse.  There is also, nothing like dropping the triple decker Harry Potter bus down the ceramic tile stairs seconds after you just finished building it, which took an hour (seriously a magic Harry Potter bus shouldn't fly apart in a thousand pieces its magic, GAH). Lego hides cleverly under every piece of furniture just to make the 5 times a day I vacuum even more of a chore.
     I vacuum at least 5 times a day.  I don't even bother putting the vacuum away because there really isn't much point. The floors get washed several times a week and they are still never clean.  I have given up.  I apologize if you drop in for a visit and see the mess but I am done.  Well, I am done until the mess overwhelms me which should be sometime this afternoon.  I can't stand a mess. So as much as I would love to actually surrender to the chaos and to reside in this jungle, I just can't.  I must go suck up cheerios, pick play dough out of Lego and return magnets to the metal magnet bucket. *sigh*

     What have you surrendered to lately?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Another Month Has Passed - 8 months

     Well another month has passed and my beautiful little Harmony turned 8 months old on the weekend.

Harmony at 8 months is:
  • 15lbs 9 oz (She is finally gaining weight)
  • 26" long (She grew too)
Harmony at 8 month wears:
  • Size 2  Diapers
  • Size 3 months, 3-6 months and some 6 months
  • Size 1 and maybe some size 2 shoes
Harmony at 8 Months :
  • waves bye bye
  • plays peek a boo
  • plays patty cake
  • crawls or slides backwards
  • prefers to stand than sit and pulls up on everything she can reach
  • loves jumping
  • claps and says yeah
  • Gives kisses
  • Dances to music
Harmony at 8 months says:
  • Mama
  • Papa
  • Ella
  • something that resembles bad but we don't say Bad so not sure what it is
  • something that sounds like up when she wants up
Harmony at 8 months eats:
  • Breast Milk, Formula and Water
  • All Veggies and Fruits
  • Most Meats
  • Toast, cheerios, baby cookies and puffs
  • Basically anything she can get her hands on, she is not a picky eater and loves eating
Things I never want to forget:
  • How happy you are pretty much all the time, especially first thing in the morning or the middle of the night, always big smiles
  • You are a big mommy's girl and I am OK with that!
  • How excited you get when you see you brother and sister
  • How good you are out in public!
  • How tiny and baby squishy goodness yummy you are! (yes I know that doesn't make sense but it does to me)
  • Cutest squishy baby bum
  • How you love to mimic your brother and sister
  • You are baby perfection and I love you from the tips of your toes to the top of you head and everywhere in between

See? Baby Perfection

Blue Eyes, Baby's got Blue Eyes
(Yes that's a line from an Elton John song)

Wednesday, February 1, 2012