Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Wrap up - Healthy- ish

     I am glad to report that I am healthy again.  I think Little Miss Harmony is feeling much better as well and Camden seems to be fine so far.  Mike, well poor Mike isn't feeling so hot.  He isn't sick but he is a little achy and a bit weak.  I sure hope he doesn't get the full illness because nothing is worse than the Man-Cold. 

     We enjoyed a quieter weekend filled with family birthdays, a family dinner and lots of LEGO building. 

     I would love to kiss whoever invented LEGO, unless they are deceased because you know I am not really into that type of thing.  Call me crazy but decomposition isn't really one of my turn ons but enough about that.  LEGO has captured the hearts of 2 out of 3 little people in this house and well 2 big people as well.  We have discovered that its a huge motivator in this house, so we have been working on a certain little guy's potty training or well lack there of. We also used it as a motivator for another huge success in this house over the weekend but more about that tomorrow.

     Overall, a good weekend spent with great people. It's great to be feeling better so that I can catch up on all the stuff I missed before, like the eleventy billion loads of laundry to be put away.  Yes, I know eleventy billion isn't a real number but it describes perfectly the amount of clean laundry that is heaped on the laundry room floor just begging to be folded and put away.  Ella's room also needs a good once over, well more like twice or three times over, my that child can create disaster in 10 seconds flat.  She claims her room threw up, cute right? Yeah not so much when its me cleaning it.  Good thing I have Christmas and LEGO as a motivator.

      I hope everyone had a relaxing, healthy and happy weekend.  Don't forget to come back tomorrow to read all about Camden's big boy achievement that earned him some big boy Toy Story 3 LEGO.


  1. LOL! the Man cold is a bad one! i hope mike doesn't get sick!

  2. Shawn currently has the man cold. I practically have no tongue left from biting it so much!!
