Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Not so Wordless Wednesday - Christmas Picture Outtakes

The kids can't always look super freakin' adorable, after all they are kids so enjoy these outtakes from our family Christmas Pictures

First of all they are suckers not smoking cigarettes...That's just silly they are in our dining room, we would never allow them to smoke in the house.  I'm kidding, Well not really...they really are suckers, but lets go with they aren't allowed to smoke at all. We decided this picture was so cute even though it wasn't a planned picture, it captures their personalities.

Mother of the Year goes to me of course, for allowing their baby to chew on Christmas lights while they were plugged in.  I should have at least unplugged them first because you know wires with sharp pointy pieces of glass are an excellent first choice for cutting those teeth, cutting get it...yeah I'm tired this morning.  I did take them out of her mouth right away, I promise.

Seriously Mom?! Matching PJ's and wrapped in Tinsel? This is embarrassing.

Maybe Mom won't notice I am being a brat if I smile this exceptionally cute smile?

He's Choking Me, Stop Him...please...*whine, whine, whine*
Oh come on suck it up, at least he is still smiling, if you would too these would be cute...FINE, CAMDEN YOU ARE HURTING YOUR SISTER STOP NOW!

     Well, there you have it folks, a few outtakes from our lovely Christmas pictures.  If you have kids you know how hard it is to get them all to look, smile and act appropriately well trying to obtain lasting memories.  You are lucky to walk away with one usable shot, children intact and a voice, if you haven't lost it from all the screaming (One more pic, I swear if you don't sit still smile blah blah blah NO PRESENTS EVER) 

     Have a lovely, safe and happy day today.  Don't forget to smile and enjoy the remaining few days until Christmas.  See you back here tomorrow.


  1. Haha, love this. Might just copy it for my post today, since the only photos I've taken of my kids in the past month are Christmas ones. I have some outtake gems.

  2. The outtakes are so much funnier (better?!) than the "good" one that gets chosen!

  3. Love this! They're freakin' cute while being monkeys.
