Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Youtube Tuesday - Sesame Street - Yes Please

     I got little or no sleep least night.  It was kinda hazy but the kids alternated getting up every 20 minutes or so.  I stopped counting when I reached 20. I couldn't rationally think or count past 20 at that point anyway.  They weren't sick, wet, thirsty or hungry, just restless.  Just for good measure and to make sure I didn't get to sleep once the kids finally seemed to settle down the dog fell down some stairs, then I was up worrying about our old, beloved Tanner who I swear better not die at Christmas or Mike will be useless these holidays.  Needless to say, no sleep = lazy day.

     We were going to pop in a movie when we came across this video on a friend's blog .

Camden was fascinated and because one YouTube video always leads to another and you can't watch just one.

These are some other favourites we watched today for a good hour or more (It still counts as quality time right? We were all snuggled up together in the chair.).

and this one...Jason Mraz anyone?

and who doesn't love a little Bruno Mars....

and for good measure and I love Billy Joel and it make me smile plus we couldn't find Elton John on Sesame Street just the Muppet show and well this is all about sesame street.

     I hope you enjoyed some of the videos we have enjoyed this morning.  They are fun, silly and have a good measure.   Not much of that type of thing around these days, plus who can resist Sesame Street.  Not I or two babies who love to cuddle up on mom after a restless night.

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