So because I was at my sisters last night and I consumed way too much caffeine during the entire day Thursday and was bouncing off the walls by bedtime...this is what is stuck in my head.
There is a bit of back story to this. When we walked into my sisters house last night all we could smell was poo. It smelled like the septic had backed up. We later discovered the smell was coming from outside, probably a farmers field that had been sprayed. The entire time we were there my nieces and nephew kept singing this song since they have a chronic addiction to YouTube (they range in ages from 18-10) and they think poo is hilarious. Kids never really grow up!
So thank you guys for getting this ridiculous song stuck in my head and probably the tea, cafe latte, and 3 giant glasses of pop I consumed didn't help either.
This is why I love my family, they are crazy and loud. We get each other and always have a great time just being dumb! I can't wait until Christmas. All our best stuff comes from family get togethers (Kaitlin and the silly goo, yep, good times).
So today I am loving my family with a giant grin, because we are SPECIAL, in a special ed sort of way that only we get!
hah hah hah is that yo breath or did you jusss farrrrt