Ella is 7 years old. How did this even happen? Having her seems just like yesterday but also forever ago. I have spent the last 7 years watching this beautiful baby turn into the most amazing little girl a mother could ask for. She was the perfect baby and now the most delightful not so little girl.
Ella at 7 Loves:
- Family Channel
- Playing Wii
- Lego
- Spending time with her family
- Dolls and Stuffies
- Webkinz
- Pretty much anything but loves fruits and veggies (strawberries, corn on the cob and carrots are her favourites)
- Loves chocolate milk but hates white milk and I can't say I blame her
- Size 8-10 and all of her pants have to have adjustable waists - tall and slim
- Size 1-2 shoes
- Dresses and Skirts are her favourite and anything comfortable
- PJ's, this girl loves to be comfy just like the rest of us - when we are at home we are in our jammie pants
- Blow bubbles with bubble gum
- Whistle
- help cook, clean and take care of her siblings (she's a real great helper)
- have quite the attitude sometimes
- kind and positive comments about almost everything as she hates to upset anyone
- Tells me I'm the best Mommy and that just melts my heart
- How much she loves her siblings and is always telling them how cute they are
- How sweet, kind, caring and considerate you are and have always been - its always been such a joy to be your Mommy
- How insanely beautiful you - There has never been a more beautiful 7 year old in the entire world.
- How incredibly smart you are, always the top of you class for everything - especially reading.
- How you aren't too bog for cuddles and you make up excuses just to get extra cuddles.
- How you still love to be babied and this is OK with Mommy because you will always be my baby.