Friday, April 13, 2012

Friday Night Leftovers

First of let me say I got this idea from The Tompkins Family Blog . She always does a Friday Night Leftovers with link ups and a pretty graphic but I am sooo not cool enough for that, so here's the plain old Friday Night Leftovers version.

  • We received the best possible news yesterday about a very much loved family member and we are so happy and relieved. My heart is so much lighter and we can all breathe easier. 

  • Our best wishes and big Congrats go out to M and J (not mike and I) on today, your wedding day. We wish you all the happiness in the world.  Have a great day celebrating and you too Ella Baby, oh and Little Miss N too!

  • This weekend, my amazing and wonderfully strange little boy turns 3.  Please someone stop the growing up process or at least freeze it for a little while? Oh, alright, I'll suck it up but I can't handle my babies growing up.  Ella's birthday is 6 days after Camden's , so we will be celebrating it on Camden's birthday this year. Really, Miss Ella? 7 Years old? This is not allowed. My sweet, kind little girl is inching closer to the horrible angst filled teenager years that I dread so much. *sigh* I can feel the grey hairs starting to sprout up already (not really, pftt, I don't do grey).

  • Wedding plans are materializing into well a wedding.  Slowly but surely I am piecing together "Our Happily Ever After" and its much thought and detail for us and 30 members of our immediate family. Its crazy, but I seriously can not wait.  None of us can wait! YIPPEEEEE! We are also desperately trying to manage a honeymoon in Austria. All we need is flights!!! Which are so not cheap but if we can get there, we have free accommodations and the chance to see my niece Kiki who we haven't seen for 11 months. If anyone is feeling particularly generous and wants to donate to our honeymoon fund, I definitely wouldn't say No (*Hint Hint*)

  • Camden has started something new and I am not a fan.  At exactly 6 am for the past two mornings he has woken up screaming like he is being tortured and he only wants Daddy. Well Daddy is already at work.  He screams until the entire house has woken up and then decides to crawl into my bed and go back to sleep for 2 hours while the rest of us are up and MISERABLE!!! It better stop soon.  It's getting old real fast!

  • Harmony is now standing unassisted all the time now.  I suspect she will be walking very soon which is crazy. Walking at 10 months when the other 2 kids waited until their 1 year birthday. She has also mastered faking sick.  She coughs and covers her mouth on command.  She has also started grabbing tissues to blow her nose. She is such a Drama Queen.  Wonder where she got that from? Definitely doesn't have anything to do with Mommy and Daddy being theatrical...hmmm...
     That's it for this Friday Night Leftovers. Enjoy your weekend and you can look forward to the kids birthday party pictures next week.  I am so excited to give them their birthday presents. Have a great weekend everyone!

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