Camden at 3 Loves:
- All his construction vehicles
- Lego
- Books
- His sisters, Daddy and Gampa, Mommy usually places last
- Cuddling
- Wrestling anyone and everyone
- Stop Motion Lego Videos on YouTube and well just YouTube in general
- Being outside as he has "lots of work to do" which is generally digging in his sand box
- Pretty much anything but loves Chinese food and his vegetables - squash, beets, corn, "patabas" (Potatoes), carrots etc.
- Still on lactose free milk we will be slowly be making the transition back to regular milk and will see what happens...
- Not a big breakfast fan and usually won't eat much of anything
- Size 5/6 diapers at night
- Size 8/9 shoe
- Size 3-4 pant or shorts
- size 3,4,5 Shirts depending on brand mostly 4-5 now.
- Pee in the Potty without any accidents during the day now, we just need to work on the poops in the potty.
- Play independently, which I love some days! He has also learned to play nicely with friends most days and can now share.
- Help in the kitchen - bake, cook or clean he loves to help with it all.
- Recite almost everything from memory - books, songs, movies - it truly amazes me!
- Use the computer and ipod all by himself - good yet scary.
- "Smile for me, Mommy, Please be Happy for me" - Anytime I am telling him not to do something he pulls on Mommy's heart strings by making me smile. He also tells me to smile or be happy with Ella or Harmony if I seem unhappy with them. It was really cute for the first 3 weeks he said it...oh who am I kidding its still ridiculously cute
- "Close the door, I need My privacy" - Sometimes when he's on the potty, he tells me to take a hike, which is OK for me but usually results in a mile of toilet paper being used and clogs the toilet.
- "I Love Boobies"- This was a new one he told us yesterday...I'm really not surprised. The kid does love Boobies and I had to kick him off mine at a year.
- "Why?" - We really thought you would have grown out of this by now but you are so curious about everything and everything needs an answer!
Things I never want to forget:
- Your adorable face, eyes that shine with mischief and that smile, your charming handsome devil smile.
- Your unique sense of humour, you make me laugh like no one else can.
- Your incredible laugh
- Your quirky personality
Happy 3rd Birthday My Little Man, sorry Big man, you hate being called Little. Mommy loves you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too.
Happy Birthday Camden! What a handsome big man!