Thursday, April 19, 2012

Camden is 3 !!

     Camden turned 3 on Sunday and this really should have been posted sooner but 3 out of 3 kids have been struck by a lovely tummy bug.  Mike and I are exhausted but no pukies yet for us *knocks on wood* So without further ado,  What Camden's like at 3?!

Camden at 3 Loves:
  • All his construction vehicles
  • Lego
  • Books
  • His sisters, Daddy and Gampa, Mommy usually places last
  • Cuddling
  • Wrestling anyone and everyone
  • Stop Motion Lego Videos on YouTube and well just YouTube in general
  • Being outside as he has "lots of work to do" which is generally digging in his sand box
Camden at 3 Eats:
  • Pretty much anything but loves Chinese food and his vegetables - squash, beets, corn, "patabas" (Potatoes), carrots etc.
  • Still on lactose free milk we will be slowly be making the transition back to regular milk and will see what happens...
  • Not a big breakfast fan and usually won't eat much of anything
Camden at 3 wears:
  • Size 5/6 diapers at night
  • Size 8/9 shoe
  • Size 3-4 pant or shorts
  • size 3,4,5 Shirts depending on brand mostly 4-5 now.
Camden at 3 can:
  • Pee in the Potty without any accidents during the day now, we just need to work on the poops in the potty.
  • Play independently, which I love some days! He has also learned to play nicely with friends most days and can now share.
  • Help in the kitchen - bake, cook or clean he loves to help with it all.
  • Recite almost everything from memory - books, songs, movies -  it truly amazes me!
  • Use the computer and ipod all by himself - good yet scary.
Camden at 3 says:
  • "Smile for me, Mommy, Please be Happy for me" - Anytime I am telling him not to do something he pulls on Mommy's heart strings by making me smile.  He also tells me to smile or be happy with Ella or Harmony if I seem unhappy with them. It was really cute for the first 3 weeks he said it...oh who am I kidding its still ridiculously cute

  • "Close the door, I need My privacy" - Sometimes when he's on the potty, he tells me to take a hike, which is OK for me but usually results in a mile of toilet paper being used and clogs the toilet.

  • "I Love Boobies"- This was a new one he told us yesterday...I'm really not surprised. The kid does love Boobies and I had to kick him off mine at a year.
  • "Why?" - We really thought you would have grown out of this by now but you are so curious about everything and everything needs an answer!

Things I never want to forget:
  • Your adorable face, eyes that shine with mischief and that smile, your charming handsome devil smile. 
  • Your unique sense of humour, you make me laugh like no one else can.
  • Your incredible laugh
  • Your quirky personality

Happy 3rd Birthday My Little Man, sorry Big man, you hate being called Little. Mommy loves you through and through, yesterday, today and tomorrow too.

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