Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The Perfect Parent

     How Many times have you ever said, "Oh, My kid would NEVER do that" and how many times has Karma, divine intervention or whatever you happen to believe in, has come right back to bite you in the butt. Never, you say, then you are either not a parent or a big fat liar.  I was in fact the "Perfect Parent" before I had kids.   I have learned as a parent or just as a person in general to Never say Never, you don't know what the future holds.

     Here are some of my favourites, that I personally have regretted saying:

  • My kids will never, ever share my bed  - Camden spent the first 2.5 years of his life there out of sheer desperation on my part and the fact that I was less likely to drop him off on someones doorstep  anonymously if I had at least a few minutes sleep here and there.

  • I will never let myself "go" after I have kids. - Yep, OK because showering every 3rd day is totally acceptable, along with PJ's stained with breast milk , overgrown eyebrows and legs so hairy they could be confused with a yeti's . I am happy to report after 5 months I am somewhat starting to care about myself again.

  • My kids will behave in public and know who is boss. -Oh, they know alright...and it's not me and public tantrums are at an all time low, mainly because we hardly venture out in public anymore, its easier to control the chaos at home, in their native habitat.

  • I will never bribe my children. - Bribery is a necessary parenting tool, I don't care what anyone says we have all done it and do it.  If your child behaves, is toilet trained, eats dinner, behaves, goes to bed, cleans up or behaves you most likely have bribed them.  Sometimes the treat, sticker, pennies are easier than dealing with a full on melt down in the middle of church, crowded doctors office, the middle of the mall etc.

  • My kid will not have sugar (juice, pop, candy, cookies etc).   - Definitely, as long as we lived in a cave somewhere I am sure we could have managed that one.  Moderation is key.

  • I will not drive my child around in the car at 2 am to get them to sleep.  - Camden, Colic, Chronic Ear Infections...'nuff said.

     Being perfect is over rated anyway! Sometimes to be the perfect parent you have to realize you are in fact imperfect, which makes us better.  I strive everyday to be just a little better than I was the day before, a little more patient, a little more strict about somethings, a little more lenient about others, a little more understanding and a better parent, but never will I strive to be perfect.  What works for you, doesn't always work for someone else, or even work for you later on. 

     What are somethings you said you would NEVER EVER do when you were a parent?  I am curious.  I can't be the only one that my pre-baby parenting beliefs have come back to haunt them. The perfect parent pffffffft.  Its a myth.  There is no such thing.


  1. I was such a perfect parent! Many of the same things as you...no co-sleeping, no sugar, no TV, no embarrassing me in public (HA!!!!).

  2. Oh, and I would never yell or lose my temper. Oops.

  3. I would NEVER use the tv as a babysitter EVER.


  4. I would only breast feed my children. Didn't the formula feeding mothers ever hear that breast is best? Oh.. they did? And it just didn't work? And I made them feel like more crap? And then karma bit me in the arse when my first boy refused to latch and screamed for 8 weeks instead? whoops.

    also- I would never ignore my kids. Right now they're eating rice pudding on mats on the floor watching a movie so I can waste time for 5 minutes.

  5. Jen this has to be the best Blog Yet. It was funny and I enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great job.

  6. TV. My kids were never going to watch tv. PUH-LEEEEEEESE!
    And, I would never use a bottle. Heh.

  7. Definatly the behaving in public!! Now I could be some people's worst nightmare. "You want to throw a tantrum, go ahead and get it out. But when your done, you're still going to do whatever is asked of you" Is my thinking!! Thankfully, they aren't a regular thing when we're out. He does have his moments!!

    The letting yourself "go" HAHAHAHA, I thought I would be smaller than I was before even getting pregnant, HA HA HA HA HA! Now I don't even take time to do my hair, just a quick comb through and away we go.

    Out of crib before age 2. Oh ya right, he sleeps so so so wonderfully, I'm afraid to transition him. He sleeps in a bed at grandma's, takes twice as long to fall asleep and then the minute his eyes are open his feet are on the ground. I don't want my wonderful sleeper to go away!

    Everything else was common sense to me. By me I mean the Daycare in me!!!
