Monday, November 7, 2011

Making progress Monday

     We are off to a good start this morning.  After an episoide of Dexter, a good nights sleep (thank you Harmony for sleeping through the night and thank you Gampa Gampa for keeping Camden for a sleepover) and a healthy dose of coffee I'm in a much better mood.  I have already completed a few things off my list.  The christmas gifts have been organized and  a mental list made of still what needs to be bought, sadly I thought I had more things stashed than I did. The farm fresh beets are steaming as I type to be made into yummy purple mush for Harmony. Up next on the baby food front is farm fresh carrots, applesauce (to be completed once I get the apple smusher thing from my mom that was my Grandmas) and some rice cereal (I have already milled the rice). I have located a crochet hook, yarn and a beginners guide that my mom is lending me (she isn't a crocheter so she can't really teach me and doesn't the word crochet look icky when spelled, makes me think of crotch ewwww). Maybe tonight I will watch the dvd guide to using my new sew machine and whip up the recieving blankets that have been pinned and waiting since before the baby was born. The kids have also requested some more felt food since I made them some last year for Christmas and it was a big hit.  Actually, apparently its one of the reasons I am the worlds most awesome mommy ever in the history of the universe says Ella and thats why she loves me best! Awwww....and its things my kids say like that, that help me kick my bad attitude and feel much better. I have a pretty good life. Mike loves me ( he said he would have to kill me if I didn't love him back, perhaps if I die an untimely death check into that for me) my kids adore me, the dog constantly whines at me for cookies (that means the dog loves me more than you Mike - hahaha) and I have a house I am proud to call home. How is your Monday going?

1 comment:

  1. Our Monday is going well despite the family being up for the day at 445am! We had a fun playdate this morning and now it's naptime, yay!
