Today, I am happy that two of my nieces are coming to visit. One of which I barely get to see since she is a busy girl who works in the big city( if you live in Toronto, you want this girl doing your hair) and the other one is off to college. I am very proud of both of these girls, as I am of all my nieces and nephews. I am especially pleased to announce that Lee Lee (a nickname my kids call her) is home for her high school commencement and to deliver her speech as the VALEDICTORIAN! I am one proud Aunt. I am sad however, I will not be attending to watch her do this (can you imagine the chaos of a graduation ceremony with 3 kids, 2 of which do not know how to sit still or be quiet for hours, plus I am promised someone will videotape it for me). Another niece of mine is also coming home from University to attend the same commencement to also accept her diploma. I have some very smart kids in my family. So a big congratulations to my graduating nieces. We are very proud of you and even prouder that you are off making your dreams come true at school. We are very excited for you! Seriously, look out world some very smart, very pretty girls are coming your way....Better Watch Out!

My Beautiful Hair Stylist Niece Kait
My Beautiful Valedictorian soon to be Public Relations Niece Lee Lee
My Beautiful graduating soon to be one Hot Teacher Niece, Ari
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