Yesterday, it was warm, well warmish really, about as warm as January could be and rainy. Today its snowy and white and wonderful. Probably only wonderful because I haven't had to stare at it for months yet. The kids are excited and Tanner the wonder dog is excited as well. Ella didn't even complain about going to school today, in fact she couldn't get out the door fast enough this morning. I think I was the most disappointed it wasn't a snow day. There was nothing more exciting than a snow day when I was a kid. I guess its just a regular winter day here and it just seems worse because we've had it so easy so far.
See! Just a bit Snowy out front.
The back is a bit worse...but normal it is winter after all.
Enjoy your snowy Friday everyone, I am off to curl up with a nice book...OK, I'm not I am off to clean my house like I do everyday while the baby is napping. Reading sounds way better though.
I am loving the wintery weather. The wintery driving, I could do without. We had a blast out in the snow this morning!