When I was told that my second child was indeed a girl via ultrasound report, I let out a sigh of relief and thanked God for once again blessing me with a sweet baby girl. On April 15, 2009 at 8:31pm a baby was placed on my chest. I looked down and the first thing I saw was definitely NOT girly parts. I had joined the club. The Mother of Boys club.
Fast forward to today. I love that smelly little beast and have from the second I laid eyes on him. He looks just like his daddy and what a handsome little man he is. He is everything I imagined a little boy would be like. He smells like dirt and worms, thinks poop and body parts are funny and loves to torment his sisters. Not to mention he loves his construction trucks, can name any heavy machinery or any part on the machinery and you better not get it wrong unless you want to be corrected by a 2 year old, which can be embarrassing.
I know for certain that boys are born liking trucks, dirt and anything gross, because I've tried to discourage the gross stuff and that just further encourages him. His first word/sound he made was at 5 months old and it was a car noise while he pushed a car around. Boogers and poop is hilarious no matter what you try to tell him and tooting is the funniest of all. Why? I don't know, its a boy thing. Oh and I forgot to mention that well once he discovered what was in his diaper at around 4 months old, he has not forgotten and is now obsessed and from what I've heard they never outgrow it. He's stubborn, willful and drives me crazy. He is strong, loud and charming when the need arises. I don't think I will ever figure him out but that's OK because he is one of the most amazing and wonderful little people I know. Call me crazy but I think I need another boy. Wouldn't that be fun? As long as I can figure out how to get him to stop putting his little boy parts on everything in sight including his unsuspecting sisters, oh jeepers, I think a little brother is exactly what this kid needs...
He's an Angel when he's asleep, which is like NEVER!
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