Monday, January 9, 2012

Our Song

   So once again this wasn't the post I started to write but after Mike giving me a big hug and me taking a deep breath, we started in on wedding plans.  This time we were talking about music.

     We need a song.  OK, that's not entirely true, we do have a song but it may not be the most appropriate choice.  It really is our song, and we really do both love it.  It was popular when we first started dating and it became a running joke between us.  Have you ever heard the song Crazy Bitch by Buck Cherry....No, well here it is take a listen and vacate the small children and faint of heart out of the room.  I am warning you now, if you don't like a few swears, don't click. 

     We have nothing.  We can't think of another song at the moment that means as much to us.  I know there are plenty but I can't even think of one, OK, I can actually think of one, that we like but I can't remember the tune, lyrics, title or even the artist.  I know we danced to it before and I love it but that's as far as I can get at this moment. I really need more sleep.  So if you have any suggestions, songs to definitely not use, songs you've used, or songs you just love, tell me about them.  Leave a comment. 

     As a tribute to a certain someones Birthday today, here is a song I love for obvious reasons.  Give it a chance before you turn it off, I promise you will laugh, even though it sounds like a sappy country ballad, its not I promise you. 

    So onward and upward...We've got a wedding to plan and I am happy for the distraction because it's going to be a long 30 days until we can file the next part of the paperwork.  Happy Monday everyone and remember to leave those song suggestions for me.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Jennifer,

    I don't know what your style is, but maybe this can be one as an opening dance? :-)

    Wish you lots of succes during this awesome period.


