Friday, September 23, 2011

The Packing Prize

If there were a prize for packing, I think I would definitely qualify. I am almost done, with a week to spare. There are a few things that can't be packed until next week and there are a few piles of junk that I'm not quite sure what to do with yet. I was hoping that I would unearth some treasure we forgot about or a money stash we squirreled away but no such luck.  I guess in order for those things to be found I would have actually had to have hid them myself a while ago.  I didn't so no real treasures but I did come across some note worthy items while packing.  My own so called packing prizes or at least something I can whine about to Mike and gain some brownie points for dealing with.

  • A glass with lipstick prints on the very top shelf where we keep cups we don't use. They are not mine.  I don't think Ive even seen the cup let alone used it.  Its from a Pre-Me skank...ewwww.....Thanks Michael!

  • Coffee that expired in 2005. Thankfully it was coffee and not rancid meat but still 2005?...Its 6 years old.

  • A Foreman Grill type thing that I didn't know we owned. It was dirty...We haven't used it since I knew Mike so that's um like 5 year old meat grossness.

  • Wine, Liquor and Beer that's been here since before me.  The beer was gross and got dumped. How long does wine and Fireball Whiskey last?

  • 25 Mugs.  I am the only one that uses mugs and then only occasionally hence the 6 year old coffee. We are Timmie's addicts why do we own 25 mugs?

  • 10 Pyrex glass pans in various sizes. Why? Not sure but we have 10 of them. 6 more than we probably need. 

In conclusion, I am glad in a way that I am doing the packing myself because if Mike was, it probably would have got packed and moved to the new house.  I am happy I only have to deal with this for 7 more days.  Then the hell of unpacking. *sigh*

1 comment:

  1. Jennifer...take this as a lesson...and I want to say two words.....SPRING CLEANING.......there's a reason for it...LOL...
