Harmony at 4 months can:
- Roll over both ways
- Fully control her head and hands
- Coo, goo, giggle and smile
- Sleep through the night often
- Put herself to sleep often
- Size 1 diapers (She wore newborn for over 2 1/2 months)
- Newborn, 0-3 month clothes
- Size 1 shoes but usually none as they barely fit
- Tummy time
- Bath time
- The bird on her swing/animals on her bassinette
- Exersaucer
- Car rides (she loves her car seat but not the actual driving part)
- Loud noises
- Her brother waking her up
- Tune (Papa A)
- Petunia (Grandma J)
- Princess (camden)
- Peanut (Mommy)
Harmony (2 hours old)
A few days old
A week or two old
4 months old

4 months old
4 months old
" I Love you through and through. Yesterday, today and tomorrow too".