Friday, September 30, 2011
Moving Mayhem!
Our moving schedule was bumped ahead by like ummm...a day. We were told to not expect the keys until 4pmish today. Our plan was to take some boxes over and wait for the new furniture, unpack a bit and do some stuff around our old place until key time. Not that I am complaining that banks and lawyers were efficient for once but we were handed the keys at 10 am. We now have the full day to load boxes and unpack. I am very excited to be ahead of schedule except we weren't prepared for this. We may actually get most of the boxes over and unpacked before the big furniture comes over tomorrow with the help of movers. I was planning on staying at the new house tonight to unpack but now I think I may come home back to where my bed, TV and Internet will be for at least one more night. Hmmm...although my new house has a jacuzzi bath tub. This day feels surreal. I didn't think it would ever get here and now we are here. I feel a little bit nervous as this is too good to be true. Well off I go to start piling boxes outside because I just can't wait any longer (good thing we did get the key early, I would have been a basket case by 4pm). If I make it back to an Internet connection I promise to upload some pictures of the new place. I don't think I have ever been this excited over moving before!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Harmony - Happy 4 Months
Harmony - Where do I start? I can't believe 4 months have flown by so incredibly fast. In the blink of an eye you have went from this tiny little peanut, wearing doll clothes to an 11 lb chunkin. You are still tiny, in comparison to your brother and sister at the same age but my how you have grown. You are small but mighty. Mommy loves you so incredibly much!
Harmony at 4 months can:

Harmony at 4 months can:
- Roll over both ways
- Fully control her head and hands
- Coo, goo, giggle and smile
- Sleep through the night often
- Put herself to sleep often
- Size 1 diapers (She wore newborn for over 2 1/2 months)
- Newborn, 0-3 month clothes
- Size 1 shoes but usually none as they barely fit
- Tummy time
- Bath time
- The bird on her swing/animals on her bassinette
- Exersaucer
- Car rides (she loves her car seat but not the actual driving part)
- Loud noises
- Her brother waking her up
- Tune (Papa A)
- Petunia (Grandma J)
- Princess (camden)
- Peanut (Mommy)
Harmony (2 hours old)
A few days old
A week or two old
4 months old

4 months old
4 months old
" I Love you through and through. Yesterday, today and tomorrow too".
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Tick Tock on the Clock...
Tick Tock on the clock, but the party don't stop...and by party I mean packing. It's never ending. Seriously...Are you sick of me rambling on about it? I'm sick of talking about it, doing it and dreaming of it. I did however accomplish a lot. Ella's room, our room, toy closet, storage room, laundry area and bathroom are all packed as well as beds disassembled. Kitchen is almost there and the last remaining storage area is just about complete....minus all the things we are still using. Thank you to Auntie K who will be dropping by tomorrow to baby wrangle for a bit so I may just get this done. Also, a big thank you to the 160+ readers who stopped by yesterday to take a peek at our new backyard. It just goes to show me how nosey you all are, but that's OK, I'm nosey too and if it were the other way around I would be creeping your blog to sneak a peek. A few more days, a few more dollars and we will be ready to blow this Popsicle stand. I can't wait!! Did I mention that yet? OK, maybe just a couple of times. I'm really excited to not have to wash dishes by hand and at the end of a crazy day lock myself in my pretty new bathroom with jacuzzi tub while ignoring the children's screaming on the other side of the door. The kids are terrified of the jets in the tub so this will be an excellent tool to keeping them out . Mike's Birthday is the day after we move and I've been racking my brain for an awesome present to get him and then it hit me. We just bought a house and new furniture, I can totally put a bow on our front door. Problem solved and I'm off the hook. Don't worry this post wont ruin the surprise as he doesn't read this. Not even once has he ventured on over to my blog, so my surprise is safe. Well, this post is a ramble and I have to force children to go to bed so I can indulge in my guilty pleasure of Teen Mom. We are now down to 1 TV at the moment, so everyone better go to bed early and leave me to my show ( I think I hear a beer calling my name).
Monday, September 26, 2011
4 days to Freedom
Time is flying and we have 4 days to freedom and by I freedom I mean I don't have to pack anymore because well, I will be unpacking! I am so overwhelmed by boxes that I don't even know how to keep myself going. I am ready to start throwing stuff into garbage bags because honestly I just don't have the energy or the patience anymore. I feel panicky and nervous. I have already lost my phone in the madness and have a strange feeling that I may have put it in my daughters lunch box and packed it next to her sandwich. I hope not but my brain is scattered and as hard as I try I can't quite get it to work with the rest of me to get stuff done ( remember brain, we had this talk where we need to work as a team to get this house packed up, Nope my brain is not on has left on vacation until some sort of normalcy is restored). My goal today is to start and finish one room at a time to keep me on track.
Over the weekend we did get to go look at our new house. I took some pictures of the backyard for your viewing pleasure.
Over the weekend we did get to go look at our new house. I took some pictures of the backyard for your viewing pleasure.
Our New Backyard
Fire Pit and Pergola
Pictures of the inside will have to wait or you can come see it for yourself in a few weeks when we have our house warming.
We had a wonderful weekend filled with theatre, friends, drinks and family. I can't wait to fast forward until next weekend. God willing by next Sunday we will all moved in. Now back to packing. Oh, I found my phone in the Baby's bassinette. I really must have a talk with her about using mommy's phone.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Friday's Follow up
Some of the mystery fun finds from my packing experience have been solved. The cup with the lipstick Mike swears he must have bought it that way....yes, they always sell dirty beer glasses. The foreman grill he has never seen before either. This I believe! When he moved in the previous tenant left a lot of junk behind and we are still finding things that were never ours. The Pyrex dishes my mother in law has claimed, the mugs are still a mystery and the expired coffee is well expired coffee.
Today we are off to our final viewing of the house, the theatres annual general meeting and then out for a couple of drinks with friends. Babysitters have been arranged, my good butt jeans are in the dryer and I'm ready to relax and not have to pack at all today. So have a great weekend, everyone as I am off to enjoy my last weekend here!!
Today we are off to our final viewing of the house, the theatres annual general meeting and then out for a couple of drinks with friends. Babysitters have been arranged, my good butt jeans are in the dryer and I'm ready to relax and not have to pack at all today. So have a great weekend, everyone as I am off to enjoy my last weekend here!!
Friday, September 23, 2011
The Packing Prize
If there were a prize for packing, I think I would definitely qualify. I am almost done, with a week to spare. There are a few things that can't be packed until next week and there are a few piles of junk that I'm not quite sure what to do with yet. I was hoping that I would unearth some treasure we forgot about or a money stash we squirreled away but no such luck. I guess in order for those things to be found I would have actually had to have hid them myself a while ago. I didn't so no real treasures but I did come across some note worthy items while packing. My own so called packing prizes or at least something I can whine about to Mike and gain some brownie points for dealing with.
In conclusion, I am glad in a way that I am doing the packing myself because if Mike was, it probably would have got packed and moved to the new house. I am happy I only have to deal with this for 7 more days. Then the hell of unpacking. *sigh*
- A glass with lipstick prints on the very top shelf where we keep cups we don't use. They are not mine. I don't think Ive even seen the cup let alone used it. Its from a Pre-Me skank...ewwww.....Thanks Michael!
- Coffee that expired in 2005. Thankfully it was coffee and not rancid meat but still 2005?...Its 6 years old.
- A Foreman Grill type thing that I didn't know we owned. It was dirty...We haven't used it since I knew Mike so that's um like 5 year old meat grossness.
- Wine, Liquor and Beer that's been here since before me. The beer was gross and got dumped. How long does wine and Fireball Whiskey last?
- 25 Mugs. I am the only one that uses mugs and then only occasionally hence the 6 year old coffee. We are Timmie's addicts why do we own 25 mugs?
- 10 Pyrex glass pans in various sizes. Why? Not sure but we have 10 of them. 6 more than we probably need.
In conclusion, I am glad in a way that I am doing the packing myself because if Mike was, it probably would have got packed and moved to the new house. I am happy I only have to deal with this for 7 more days. Then the hell of unpacking. *sigh*
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Thankful Thursday - Family Edition.
Today I am Thankful for:
We are very thankful for everyone is our lives that help, support and love us. Without our family I don't know where we would be or what we would do. Thank you guys!
- Mike - I know he is completely exhausted with work, finalizing all the house details, running us around everywhere and just being the super dad and hubby that he is but he never complains. Never ever ever does he complain about anything or ask me to do anything more than I am already doing. He is amazing and I am so thankful to have the most amazing partner in the world. Seriously, I am not just being all sappy and romantic but the man will cook, clean, take care of kids and do everything else and not utter a complaint. He doesn't do a single bad or mean thing. Maybe some annoying habits here and there but hey, I'm no saint and Michael well he's pretty darn close.
- My Kids - They can be smelly, dirty and down right gross at times but I love them and couldn't imagine life without them. They are way too cute ( I mean who doesn't love a blue eyed blondie), smart and I thank God every day and night for giving them to me. I don;t know what I did to deserve such great kids but I am truly blessed to have the 3 I do.
- My parents - Everyone loves their parents right ( well I guess not everyone) but mine are pretty great. They drop everything (well almost anything except sailing, dancing, trips to Europe) to come over and help me out or help out with the kids. I am thankful they only live about 10 minutes away and with the move, 5 minutes away. They have always been there for me and loved us enough to be stuck in a van with us in March all the way to Florida and back, which says a lot about them I was
bitchyhormonal and pregnant (surprised they didn't leave me or my screaming kids at a rest stop somewhere)
- My In Laws - I hear many people complain about their in laws but I got really lucky with Mikes parents. I don't think I would have made it through Camden's first 2 years of life without them. When Camden wouldn't sleep, eat and screamed non stop, they took him home and told me to sleep. We joke that they have joint custody because he sees them only slightly less than us. He has 1-2 sleep overs a week there because well Camden still doesn't sleep the greatest and he can be a real handful. They are great parents, grand parents and in laws.
- Other family ( Sister, Brothers, Brother in laws, sister in laws, nieces, nephews and cousins) - They are all really great. They are always there for us if we need a babysitter, a helping hand, a listening ear or a shoulder. They are all very helpful. loving and supportive.
We are very thankful for everyone is our lives that help, support and love us. Without our family I don't know where we would be or what we would do. Thank you guys!
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
(Almost) Wordless Wednesday - Name that Baby Edition
Can you name that Baby? Answers below. Mike couldn't even tell his own kids apart.
ANSWERS: 1. Harmony 2. Camden
3. Ella 4.Ella
5.Harmony 6. ME (Jen)
7. Camden 8. Ella
9. Harmony 10. ME (Jen)
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Bedtime Bliss
A new bedtime routine has started in our house. It started because Mommy packed away all the books in preparation for the move. I don't know what I was thinking and the kids were clearly annoyed. I had a bright idea. I know, Mommy will read to you from her blog. Everyday a new story, how does that sound. It was a great idea until you start getting critiqued by a 6 and 2 year old. Ella suggested she should be in more of the stories. I can see this being a problem, when they start demanding I write stories for them. This was supposed to be for them but I get to choose and write what I feel like right?! They were happy none the less with hearing about our adventures. As our blog bedtime story was over, songs sang and prayers said we started to discuss what tomorrows blog should be about. We decided to write what we will most like about our new house.
Here is our list:
Here is our list:
- Warm kitchen that we can eat in without freezing to death in (current kitchen is poorly insulated)
- Oven that doesn't bake 200 degrees hotter than it should. (great for cooking frozen pizzas, bad for baking)
- Dishwasher (this one is self explanatory)
- 2 bathrooms (1 is starting to not cut it anymore)
- Jacuzzi Bath tub and one regular nice tub (current bath tub is less than appealing to bathe in and Mommy will enjoy the jets, the kids not so much)
- 4 bedrooms (umm no kids in Mommy's bed, yeah right that's the goal anyway)
- Fenced in yard with landscaped fish pond, built in fire pit, pergola, multi level deck and kids play structure (this house is starting to sounds like a lovely vacation compared to where we live now)
- New furniture (you have no idea how ugly our couch is - micro fibre - 'nuff said)
- A deck ( I know I mentioned this but I want to sit outside and sip coffee on a warm sunny morning)
- Front Load washer and dryer (stay tuned for when I curse them and wish for my old set back)
- The possibility of having a clothesline (nothing like clean laundry off the line)
- Friends down the street, as well as a park and Ella's dad is one street away ( may seem strange that Ella's dad one street away is a pro but it will make her life, their lives and ours much less complicated)
Monday, September 19, 2011
Chronicles of Camden - 29 months (and 4 days)
Camden at 29 months is incredible. He is all things delightful and terrifying. The boy I never knew I needed as I was completely fine with only having girls. At our doctors after his ultrasound I was told he was a baby girl. I was so excited to not only have another daughter, re use all things pink and to avoid all things - smelly, dirty, gross and buggy. I still claim boys are weird but they are now weird and wonderful.
Camden at 29 months loves:
Camden at 29 months loves:
- Diggers, back hoes, excavators, dump trucks, tractors and anything John Deere green.
- Bugs, anything that's creepy and crawly and the more it freaks mommy out the better.
- His sisters...big and little alike.
- Movies - Veggie Tales is his current favourite - Dave and the Giant Pickle.
- Books - any book will do.
- Songs - So long farewell from Sound of Music is a favourite for the "cuckoos" and The building crew song for obvious reasons.
- Food - He is an eating machine. He loves Snacks. He still loves his Veggies - Beets are his favourite though.
- Tanner the dog - that poor pooch puts up with a lot from Camden.
- Sing - lots of songs from playgroup, ones Mommy has taught him or ones he made up himself.
- Talk a mile a minute. - He had his third speech assessment today and now exceeds his age level in most categories by many months and some past the 3 year old level.
- Dances, runs, hops, skips and jumps, mostly like a crazy person.
- Use his imagination. - Plays with his babies, pretends to work etc.
- 8/9 shoes
- 24 month ,2 & 3T pants
- 2 & 3T Shirts and even some 4T
- Size 5 diapers
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Weekend Wrap-Up!
I sit here typing this all cuddled up in my pj's, breathing a sigh of relief that this very expensive weekend is over. The weekend started with a flat tire that led to the realization that my beloved blue car needs not 1 but 4 new tires and a ball joint replaced. Price of 4 new tires, ball joint and labour....roughly $1000. Ouch, OK well that's fine, we were supposed to take my car to go furniture shopping for the new house but hey what the heck we have 2 cars. We will take Mike's car shopping...nope...His car wouldn't start and believe me we tried everything to get it to go. Its going to have to be towed to the dealership and dealt with...there goes more money...that we will wait on. We borrowed my sisters car and made the trip today to go look at living room sets. Looking always turns into buying. We do have a lovely new 3 piece leather reclining set in brown though. I didn't look at the bill. I didn't want to know. It was an amazing deal. Too good to pass up. I am sure my family will be thankful they no longer have to look at the hideous couch we currently have (micro fibre suede is not a forgiving fabric with children and pets - granted it looked nice until we came into Mike's life) , as well as having a place to sit Thanksgiving. I gladly volunteered our new home to host Thanksgiving this year. I was under the assumption it was a week later than it actually was. I now have one week to unpack at the new house to get it ready for my large family to celebrate on of our favourite holidays. So all in all, a weekend that started out crappy and expensive ended up being pretty good and even more expensive. The count down is on. We have 11 days until we get the keys and 12 days until the big moving day. I am very excited. So many things to look forward to in our new house, but that's a whole new post for another day. I am going to curl up on the couch and enjoy the quiet. By some miracle both kids are asleep, in their own beds and Veggie Tales is not on the TV. Time to watch something other than singing vegetables. I hope everyone had an enjoyable weekend.
Friday, September 16, 2011
Forget It Friday!
I had so many things to say today, about moving and memories and blah, blah, blah...but I just spent the entire day trying to pack. Yes, trying! For whatever reason, Harmony would not settle at all today. She didn't nap except for a few short minutes in my arms. I am exhausted. Thankfully, my wonderful nieces came over to rescue me for a bit. They helped pack and hold a baby for the few minutes she would tolerate mommy not holding her. Finally, at 11pm she passed out. I managed to pack a few boxes. I haven't even eaten supper yet. The great debate is do I dare grab something to eat or find my pjs and pass out. Do I have the energy to walk downstairs and open a can of soup and stay upright long enough to cook and eat it? Probably not but I'm starving. I apologize for this non post but its all I can muster at the moment. I didnt even want to write this much but I did promise myself to stick with this blog of mine. So here it is. Forget it Friday. I am done with you. I need food and sleep. Mmmmm.....goodnight!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Thursday?! Time to get SERIOUS!
It's Thursday! Not quite sure if you realize this or not but the work week is almost over. I'm sure if you work outside the home you are quite aware the weekend is lurking about, ready and waiting to be enjoyed. If you are a stay at home mom like myself, it means sometimes, if you are lucky you have an extra pair of hands to help you cram everything you didn't have time for during the week into two short days. In my case, this week, Thursday means I have the rest of today and tomorrow to pack as much as humanly possible so the weekend is free to oh, that's right pack more and finally go shopping for a new couch/love seat or something like that for the new house. It's time to get serious about this packing business. We have 15 days until we move. I am so sick of packing, sorting, needing something I packed, unpacking and repacking. If I were a rich girl (cue Gwen Stefani's Rich Girl song and wait well I sing it loud and proud...and yes I know its originally from Fiddler on the Roof) OK, as I was saying if I were rich, I would simply pack my favourite things (oh no, Rain drops on roses and whiskers on kittens...I've got to stop procrastinating...) and start again. I am not and will be packing the entire contents of our apartment most likely single handed, mainly because I have a baby in my arms and Mike sucks at packing. See Photo.
Rye and Extension Cords? Really? OK, fine, please don't try to pack anymore, I will do it all. Please go to work. Camden is gone to his "Gampa Gampas" for the remainder of today and tomorrow. I will accomplish something. I'm off to pack and stop this blog nonsense ( my new found way to procastinate) and to loudly sing show tunes that are floating around in this ol'brain of mine. Good thing its cold out today, I have nothing PVR'd to watch. Packing it is!
Rye and Extension Cords? Really? OK, fine, please don't try to pack anymore, I will do it all. Please go to work. Camden is gone to his "Gampa Gampas" for the remainder of today and tomorrow. I will accomplish something. I'm off to pack and stop this blog nonsense ( my new found way to procastinate) and to loudly sing show tunes that are floating around in this ol'brain of mine. Good thing its cold out today, I have nothing PVR'd to watch. Packing it is!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Let's Start at the Very Beginning - A very good place to start!
Welcome to my blog. I am Jennifer. This blog has absolutely nothing to do with TECH and EVERYTHING to do with Tanner, Ella, Camden and Harmony or T.E.C.H. I am not a wonderful writer or talented at it. I am horrible at sentence structure and not gramatically gifted at all. The reason for this blog is simple. To journal the lives we live for my childen. To share their childhoods with friends and relatives and to keep all the memories written down and not forgotten.
I am Jennifer as previously stated. I am currently 27 and dreading the Big 3-0. I like the colour green, books about the Amish culture, musicals, live theatre and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. Any or all of the stuff I like could change at the drop of a hat. I'm not paticularly witty or charming but I'm me and my kids and Fiance love me. Thats all that matters.
Mike, my fiance is amazing. He is absolutely everything I ever wished for and a little bit more. He's patient...with me and the kids, loving, kind (he never says a bad word about anyone, I could learn from him), hard working and every other good quality a guy could have. I love him, a whole lot!
Ella is 6 years old and is just like her mom, but better in everyway. She is tall, slender and a real beauty. She is tender hearted, caring and compassionate. She loves pink, purple and all things girly. She is an excellent dancer and loves performing her latest dance moves for mommy! She is super smart, funny and a great kid. She amazes me everyday with the young lady she is growing to be.
Camden is 2 years old and just like his dad. He is all about contruction vehicles and tractors. He loves digging in the dirt, flirting with girls and driving his corvette....Watch out ladies, he's a charmer. His facial expressions are priceless and a real theatre kid for sure. He's smart and a real handful at times but we wouldnt trade him for the world.
Harmony is 3 months old and so far is a good mix. She's an excellent sleeper but has a real temper at times. She a big blue eyed beauty just like her sister. We are discovering everyday just who this little princess is.
Tanner the wonder dog or puppy...not so much a puppy though at 12 years old. She is Mike's dog but if we both call her at the same time, she comes to momma! She's been around longer then me, us or the kids. She is Mike's first baby.
We have been a family for 5 years, and engaged for almost a year now. We are about to embark on a new journey together as home owners, in 17 days. We have both done this before but not together. We are excited to move into OUR very own place...OUR HOME!
I am Jennifer as previously stated. I am currently 27 and dreading the Big 3-0. I like the colour green, books about the Amish culture, musicals, live theatre and a bunch of other stuff I can't remember. Any or all of the stuff I like could change at the drop of a hat. I'm not paticularly witty or charming but I'm me and my kids and Fiance love me. Thats all that matters.
Mike, my fiance is amazing. He is absolutely everything I ever wished for and a little bit more. He's patient...with me and the kids, loving, kind (he never says a bad word about anyone, I could learn from him), hard working and every other good quality a guy could have. I love him, a whole lot!
Ella is 6 years old and is just like her mom, but better in everyway. She is tall, slender and a real beauty. She is tender hearted, caring and compassionate. She loves pink, purple and all things girly. She is an excellent dancer and loves performing her latest dance moves for mommy! She is super smart, funny and a great kid. She amazes me everyday with the young lady she is growing to be.
Camden is 2 years old and just like his dad. He is all about contruction vehicles and tractors. He loves digging in the dirt, flirting with girls and driving his corvette....Watch out ladies, he's a charmer. His facial expressions are priceless and a real theatre kid for sure. He's smart and a real handful at times but we wouldnt trade him for the world.
Harmony is 3 months old and so far is a good mix. She's an excellent sleeper but has a real temper at times. She a big blue eyed beauty just like her sister. We are discovering everyday just who this little princess is.
Tanner the wonder dog or puppy...not so much a puppy though at 12 years old. She is Mike's dog but if we both call her at the same time, she comes to momma! She's been around longer then me, us or the kids. She is Mike's first baby.
We have been a family for 5 years, and engaged for almost a year now. We are about to embark on a new journey together as home owners, in 17 days. We have both done this before but not together. We are excited to move into OUR very own place...OUR HOME!
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