Ella is currently on a mission to complete the remaining 16 Brownie badges before she moves up to Guides next year. She is also busy with school and mastering the fine art of rainbow looming. Now only if she would put that kind of effort into keeping her room clean.
Camden is now currently being home schooled and is thriving. The difference from a few weeks back is astounding and reinforces that we absolutely made the right decision for him. Camden just doesn't fit into the school mold at the moment and that's not a bad thing. He just doesn't learn the same way and needs a bit extra reassurance and confidence, which is absolutely OK. He's learning in leaps and bounds at home using things he finds interesting to teach the same things he would at school. He is starting to sound out letters and recognize a few sight words which we never would have thought possible just a short time ago.
Harmony oh, sweet angel faced Harmony. We are in the midst of the battle of the royal throne or toilet training if you prefer. It is on her terms, well if we are honest everything is always on her terms but potty training even more so. She knows what to do and how to do it. Out in public she tells us when she needs to go. She goes in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning and wakes up dry at naps. So what's the problem, you ask? Well it's what we like to call Harmony being Harmony, little imp that she is. I randomly hear, Mommy I'm peeing on your counter, I'm peeing on your bath mat, I'm peeing on your floor. Those times are never accidents but just a little taste of Harmony's don't mess with me attitude. Accidents do happen and usually she runs to her room embarrassed and quickly changes before you notice. It's all the non accident accidents that drive me crazy.
Sawyer is fighting his first cold and ear infection. What a snotty, miserable, non sleeping mess. He is still pretty happy during the day but the night time just doesn't agree with my sick little man. I'm not sure I even want to count how many times I was up but I did see every hour last night maybe half hour as well and by 6 am sleep was a hopeless case. Who needs sleep anyway right? Not me with Mike going back on afternoons which leaves me alone with the kids from 2-1130 pm but if you count the nap he takes before work it's really 12 a 11:30 but I digress. Aside from the cold Sawyer is growing and developing in the blink of an eye. Wearing 12-18 month clothing mostly, sitting unassisted and discovering the vast world of solids. Why can't he just stay little?
There you go just a little glimpse into the busy lives of our children. I'd write more but frankly today I am exhausted.
There you go just a little glimpse into the busy lives of our children. I'd write more but frankly today I am exhausted.
WOW! What exciting times! Good luck to Ella on her badge quest. Most admirable! Harmony... well, I have her twin here. Camden, yay you! And not-so-wee Sawyer.... you are too adorbs for words.