Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Monday, February 24, 2014
Catch up
So we've been a little busy lately. I mean technically we are always busy with 4 children but lately it appears we are stuck on fast forward.
Ella is currently on a mission to complete the remaining 16 Brownie badges before she moves up to Guides next year. She is also busy with school and mastering the fine art of rainbow looming. Now only if she would put that kind of effort into keeping her room clean.
Camden is now currently being home schooled and is thriving. The difference from a few weeks back is astounding and reinforces that we absolutely made the right decision for him. Camden just doesn't fit into the school mold at the moment and that's not a bad thing. He just doesn't learn the same way and needs a bit extra reassurance and confidence, which is absolutely OK. He's learning in leaps and bounds at home using things he finds interesting to teach the same things he would at school. He is starting to sound out letters and recognize a few sight words which we never would have thought possible just a short time ago.
Harmony oh, sweet angel faced Harmony. We are in the midst of the battle of the royal throne or toilet training if you prefer. It is on her terms, well if we are honest everything is always on her terms but potty training even more so. She knows what to do and how to do it. Out in public she tells us when she needs to go. She goes in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning and wakes up dry at naps. So what's the problem, you ask? Well it's what we like to call Harmony being Harmony, little imp that she is. I randomly hear, Mommy I'm peeing on your counter, I'm peeing on your bath mat, I'm peeing on your floor. Those times are never accidents but just a little taste of Harmony's don't mess with me attitude. Accidents do happen and usually she runs to her room embarrassed and quickly changes before you notice. It's all the non accident accidents that drive me crazy.
Sawyer is fighting his first cold and ear infection. What a snotty, miserable, non sleeping mess. He is still pretty happy during the day but the night time just doesn't agree with my sick little man. I'm not sure I even want to count how many times I was up but I did see every hour last night maybe half hour as well and by 6 am sleep was a hopeless case. Who needs sleep anyway right? Not me with Mike going back on afternoons which leaves me alone with the kids from 2-1130 pm but if you count the nap he takes before work it's really 12 a 11:30 but I digress. Aside from the cold Sawyer is growing and developing in the blink of an eye. Wearing 12-18 month clothing mostly, sitting unassisted and discovering the vast world of solids. Why can't he just stay little?
There you go just a little glimpse into the busy lives of our children. I'd write more but frankly today I am exhausted.
There you go just a little glimpse into the busy lives of our children. I'd write more but frankly today I am exhausted.
Wednesday, February 19, 2014
Friday, February 14, 2014
Its Valentines Day - Hooray Hooray!
So maybe I am just a little excited today. I love showing my kids and husband how important they are to me and just how much I love them. I love seeing the surprise and excitement on their face. I want them to know that I love them most in the whole world and that no one loves them more than me.
This year we have a love wall. Little love notes written to each child every night, some extra ones just because and the kids even wrote some to each other and us. I think the one Camden wrote to Mike is my favourite though. "Daddy, I love you because you work hard at work, to get money for food so we don't die. Love Camden" Straight to the point and honest as Camden always is( unless he is blaming his siblings for something). The kids are excited to get up each morning and read the notes we left. I often catch them standing there and rereading or asking me to read them again. I hope the messages sink in and they will know how much we love and value them everyday.
We made valentines for their school friends. Camden dropped his off with daddy since he no longer attends school and has started home school with mommy (yes we made a decision and pulled him but that is another post on another day). We left Daddy a note with chocolates and a sandwich in the fridge.He will get his hand painted works of art later today. Painting with a baby is much harder than I remember and it ended up looking like a scene out of Dexter when we were finished.
This year we have a love wall. Little love notes written to each child every night, some extra ones just because and the kids even wrote some to each other and us. I think the one Camden wrote to Mike is my favourite though. "Daddy, I love you because you work hard at work, to get money for food so we don't die. Love Camden" Straight to the point and honest as Camden always is( unless he is blaming his siblings for something). The kids are excited to get up each morning and read the notes we left. I often catch them standing there and rereading or asking me to read them again. I hope the messages sink in and they will know how much we love and value them everyday.
We made valentines for their school friends. Camden dropped his off with daddy since he no longer attends school and has started home school with mommy (yes we made a decision and pulled him but that is another post on another day). We left Daddy a note with chocolates and a sandwich in the fridge.He will get his hand painted works of art later today. Painting with a baby is much harder than I remember and it ended up looking like a scene out of Dexter when we were finished.
Harrison and Dexter from DEXTER
We also chose to leave the kids a little Valentines day surprise. Nothing big. Just a little something to make the day special and something other than loads of candy which they don't need or really like. The first thing they dove into? The apple sauce squeezey. I know to some people they think its ridiculous to buy things on Valentines for their kids but learning to love starts at home. I also know others that go way overboard. We feel this is the perfect amount. Just a little something to let them know they are loved without turning it into a huge gift giving extravaganza. It isn't second Christmas. Along with their little treats are hand written valentines from each of us. The ones mike wrote to the kids are so incredibly sweet. I love how the kids are learning to be loved by such a sweet man. The girls will learn that anything less is unacceptable and the boys will learn that as well and how to treat women. I hope they carry this love with them their entire lives.
What I am most excited about is going out this evening with Mike to dinner and a play with out kids. A real restaurant with real food. No toys in a happy meal box or lids on your drinks. I am looking forward to not cooking , cleaning, wrangling kids and battling bedtime. After dinner we are headed to the local live theater that we are members of and watching a play. We love live theater. Its how we met and fell in love so it seems fitting that we go see a play this evening as well. What is everyone else doing for Valentines Day? Is it a hallmark holiday or a day with meaning for you? How do you celebrate or not celebrate it?
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Tuesday, February 11, 2014
Diaper Baby Baby Shower Gift
Diaper cakes are old news. This is something new I have recently tried for a baby shower. A Diaper baby. It was pretty easy to do.
I used:
- Sleeper
- Baby hat
- Diapers - head and body
- Pack of wipes - body
- Baby Blanket
- Teddy Bear
- Wash cloths
- various baby items for body or embellishments
- Large piece of sturdy cardboard covered in decorative paper for base
- Rubber Bands to secure diapers
- Wooden Doweling to form limbs
- Cellophane Gift Wrap
- Sticker Letters for Name
I didn't take step by step at the time as it was a trial and error process but here are the finished products. If you have any questions feel free to ask.
Working on position
Final Product
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Thankful Thursday - What If?
What would you be left with? Would you have anything left at all? Do you take for granted the most important things in life?
If I were honest, what would I have today? My kids and husband. We would be homeless, jobless, and without a van or our wonderful families. What about our health, clean water, food? There is just so much to be thankful for and of course we can't list 1000's of things we are so thankful to have every day. I do however think we have room to improve in the area of giving thanks for all we have.
If we started everyday with a grateful heart, would our day run smoother? I'm sure we would start everyday with a better attitude and a positive outlook. How about taking a minute while you brush your teeth, or even in the shower to say thank you for all you have been blessed with and not ask for a single thing. To be grateful for having a a place to live, clothes to wear, kids to bug you, a vehicle to drive, a job to go to. I am challenging myself to be more thankful and to start each day with a grateful heart and just be happy. I am particularly grateful to have been blessed with 4 beautiful, healthy children, a husband who takes care of us, a house to live in and a wonderful extended family on both sides. What are you thankful to have? Do you struggle to have a grateful heart?
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
Tuesday, February 4, 2014
Tuesday Ten - We Might Be A Little Crunchy Edition
We aren't quite hippies but we aren't the opposite of hippies either ( can you believe I tried googling the term for opposite of hippie but their isn't a real term). We are what you might call a little bit crunchy or granola if you prefer.
Here is our Tuesday Ten why we may be a little bit crunchy:
Here is our Tuesday Ten why we may be a little bit crunchy:
1. Breastfeeding
Yes, I know plenty of women do, but this may be one of the first signs but shhh... I plan to do so until HE wants to wean. It could be a year or two. Don't worry I draw the line at 3.
Baby Wearing
We only own 3. True hippies would laugh at us at only owning 3. A wrap, sling and Baby Bjorn. We are lacking here but I'm thrifty and I would only buy a new to us carrier if I found a super great deal on a used one. I do love baby wearing and would be lost without it.
3. Bed Sharing
We have a family bed policy and it works for us, I just wished we had a bigger bed.
Cloth Diapers
This is our stash minus the dirty ones. We could use more. Diapers become some what of an addictive habit. I looooooove cloth.
5. Cloth Wipes
If you are going to do cloth diapers, you may as well use cloth wipes. I made our own out of old receiving blankets and reclaimed flannel.
6. Homemade Laundry Soap
It's cheaper, works better, better on clothes and cloth diapers and its easy to make. Its really a no brainer.
7. Homemade Cleaners
Same reasons we use homemade laundry soap and its healthier then chemicals. We do use some store bought stuff but lemon, vinegar, water and baking soda work great on almost everything.
8. Homemade Baby Food
I like to know what my baby is eating. Most of the veggies come from a family farm. its delicious, organic and local.
9. Quinoa (keen-wah)
It's delicious on its own, cold, hot, in savory recipes or even in chocolate cake. The kids actually beg for it sometimes. Its a win win, healthy and great tasting .
10. Coconut Oil
If you ever have a problem, coconut oil is likely the answer. Its the duct tape of the health food world. You can use it for everything and we.
These are just 10 reasons why we may be a little bit crunchy. Are you crunchy? A full out hippie? A regular everyday mom? I'd love to hear what makes you crunchy or not. If you aren't sure here is a great way to find out over at Crappy Pictures.
Monday, February 3, 2014
Let's Bake Bread.
This week we made bread. In fact we made bread 3 times. I'm not talking bread machine either. I'm talking pull out your apron, roll up your sleeves and knead that dough type bread. Looks good enough to eat, right? It was, its gone. It turns out every time just like the picture.
Loaf 1 of 3
The recipe we currently love. I found it online last year over at Through The Window Pane.
Amish Sandwich Bread
This recipe makes makes 1 loaf 1 Cup warm water (110-115 F)
1/3 Cup sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
2 Tablespoons oil (any kind is fine but I used Light Olive Oil )
3 C flour (I use white all purpose but will be experimenting with whole wheat shortly or half and half)
1 Tablespoon yeast
Spray a loaf pan with non-stick cooking spray and set aside.
Combine the water, sugar, salt, and oil in a large bowl and stir. Add flour and yeast all at once and stir until thick. Hand knead for 6-8 minutes, adding additional flour if needed, to make a smooth elastic dough.
Cover, place in a warm location, and let rise until doubled, about 45 minutes.
Take the dough out of the bowl and work it lightly in your hands to get the air bubbles out.
Form into a loaf and put in a greased loaf pan. Cover and let rise in a warm place for 30-45 minutes, until almost doubled in size. While you're waiting for the dough to rise, preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Bake at 350 for 25-30 minutes, or until done.
When the bread is done, remove to let cool for a few minutes. Remove from the pan and place on wire rack to cool completely or if you enjoy warm bread from the oven with butter that melts right on it, slice up a piece and enjoy.
Adding all the ingredients
Kneading the dough. Camden isn't a fan of sticky hands.
Harmony isn't a fan either.
Sawyer doesn't mind as long as he is close to the action. This is how mommy gets stuff done.
This is our new go to bread recipe. It was a hit with everyone, except Camden. He won't eat anything unless Grandma makes it....*sigh*
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