Friday, January 31, 2014

A Little Blog Makeover

     I decided it was time to shake things up a bit before the weekend.  It was time for a change.  I felt like I was stuck in a rut so a few clicks here and copy and paste there ... VOILA! Something a little different.  I've also been struggling with what to write lately, as you have probably noticed the lack of posts.  Is there anything you would like to see here? More of something? Less of something? Feel free to let me know.  Mommy bloggers love feedback, so please leave comments in the comments section. Thanks!


  1. Coping strategies! And recipes. You wrangle a lot in a day. Me, not so much. How do you get through it all!?! Sure, some have more kids, some less. Busy is as busy does or whatever the expression.. But I love to know some of the crafty things, where you get ideas for keeping the wee'uns occupied. More as I think of it. My 2 YO is dragging me away to play trains. Cool.

  2. Favourite activities for all the kids, how you chose each of their names, interviews with the kids!

  3. Looks great!!
    Interviews are always cute or "what they are saying!"
