Oh, my dear blog, how I've missed you. I know, I know its all my fault. You've sat here patiently waiting for me to visit you and I've neglected to for over a year. Its really inexcusable and yet I have a list of excuses a mile long running through my head, but bottom line it all comes down to the kids. Basically having 4 kids sucks the life right out of you and having 4 kids, 3 of which are 4 and under is almost a guaranteed free pass to the local nut house.The kids were the sole purpose to start this crazy thing and now they have been my excuse for staying away. Well excuses no more. I have had several requests to start writing again and NO, it was not only my mom, I have strangely enough have quite a few people ask. Apparently my trials and tribulations with the Wee Three were amusing and with the Fantastic Four its downright hysterical (not always the good kind either). So if people want to hear about our life and it makes them smile then why not. I guess this means I'm coming out of retirement but right now this post will have to do. I am fairly certain the baby had one of those poo explosions that the diaper can't possibly contain and its guaranteed to be halfway up his back by now. Welcome back to our
Wee Three Fantastic Four and I hope you enjoy.
Our Fantastic Four meet for the very first time.
The First Day of School Fall 2013
Halloween 2013
Meeting Santa
Santa Clause Parade
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