Monday, July 23, 2012

Back to Reality - post wedding/honeymoon

     So we are back! We are happy, healthy and in one piece.  I know its been awhile since I've posted but we were all consumed with wedding and then honeymoon plans.  I think I need a vacation to recover from everything.  Yes, I know I just returned but I think I could really use a few days to mentally prepare and get my head back into the so called game. 

    On our honeymoon/vacation everything was done for us and we only had one child to wrangle.  Coming back and being thrown back into our three ring circus life was a bit of a shock.  Oh yeah, crap I have 3 little people that need me and no one to help since Mike is back to work. Cooking, cleaning, laundry, playing, crafts, bedtime, baths, snacks...OK, wait a minute...I think we need to be rich, so I could have a full time assistant to do all the boring stuff while I enjoy playing with the kids.  I probably wouldn't have to pull out the mean mommy voice nearly as often.

    We had an amazing wedding.  It was perfect.  Every detail was exactly what we wanted and it was a day just for us to celebrate our love and life long commitment.  Believe me, we are two very happy people.  I don't think we could have smiled any bigger if we tried. I will post our wedding story and pictures someday soon.

    Our honeymoon was equally amazing.  If I didn't have to return home I think I would have just stayed.  The mountains, cobble stone, quaint shops, everything was amazing...except the creepy rest stop but that's a story for another day.  I promise to post pictures and stories another day as well.

    I could totally post a million happy memories from the last 3 weeks but the kids... shoot the kids...well not actually shoot the kids, more like shoot I forgot about them.  They are begging for supper (which is in the oven and smells delicious), slapping each other, riding the dog, fishing in the dog water and doing gymnastics under the table.  How many more hours until Daddy returns from work? 6.5 hours.  OK, guess I better suck it up and stop being a princess.

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