Thursday, June 14, 2012

Days like this...

     It's shaping up to be one of those days and we've only been awake for an hour.  I'm not sure if its because there were anywhere from 1-4 people in my bed last night or everyone is starting to feel the mounting pressure of the wedding but whatever it is, its driving me nuts! 

    Camden woke up like he was being murdered, screaming like a maniac as usual but today it just seemed more annoying.  I mean who doesn't love being woke up to screaming about milk in a bottle 3 inches from your left ear (he doesn't even drink from a bottle anymore unless Daddy gives into him when Mommy's not watching).

    Ella woke up with a swollen, infected ear (the top) .  I had the lovely pleasure of pouring alcohol on it  and rubbing an antibiotic cream on it.  If you know Ella, you know how well she doesn't deal with pain or blood.  One time when she skinned her knee at school she threw up on the boy next to her and had to come home. Needless to say she made more screeching noises while I was cleaning her ear than I did while popping out an 8lb 11 oz baby with out drugs.

     There has been a fight over the last waffle which had to be split in half, a pencil that changes colour ( we have two, no need to fight) and who loves who more.  Its been a great morning so far.  One is now off to school, one is being shipped to Gamma Gampa's house and that just leaves the tiniest terror for me to deal with.  She has already emptied the contents of the snack cupboard while I was dealing with the others.  I sometimes have the feeling we live in a zoo, but you know what? I wouldn't trade it for anything.  Along with the grumpiness this morning I've been giving hugs, kisses, cuddles and smiles.  They really are sweet when they aren't whining, screeching, trying to kill each other, destroy stuff, drive me crazy, peeing on the toilet seat and being needy all at the same time.  When they aren't doing all of the above they really are the sweetest, kindest, cutest, smartest, funniest kids ever, which amounts to about 5 minutes per day per kid and I still wouldn't trade them in.

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