Monday, May 7, 2012

11lbs down...

     Well remember a long time ago like in October maybe I was going to lose the baby weight so I didn't look like a cow for the wedding we had to attend?  No, thats OK...I didn't lose the weight.  I got real lazy like and didn't bother. 

     Our wedding is coming up real soon, like 7 weeks soon.  During the week of Easter I decided enough was enough and was determined to lose 20lbs by June 30th.  It's been a month and I've lost 11lbs, only 9 more to go until my original goal.  I wouldn't be upset if I lost a few more after my goal as well. I am sure I will put it back on while in Europe.

     How did I do it? The old fashioned way.  Hard work and dedication.  No shakes, pills, potions or magic beans.  Eating better and lots and lots of exercise.  I big shout out to My Fitness Pal as a huge motivator to not shove every single piece of food in my mouth. I now think twice about eating crap because well I am going to have to log it in my app on my ipod and I don't want to waste my 1200 Calories I get a day.  Another Thank you to my friend M for walking, swimming and being that voice in my head telling me not to eat that.  She has had her own incredible weight loss journey and is an inspiration. I highly suggest having someone you are somewhat accountable to and I also suggest it not being your significant other.  That always ends poorly, just ask Mike.

     So 11lbs gone and I am wearing jeans that haven't fit in over 2 years.  I am very excited to keep at it and lose the rest.  I have never stuck with anything in my life so this is really exciting for me.  Weight has never really been a problem for me ever but now as I sadly get older after having 3 kids, the weight doesn't just fall off anymore especially if you eat everything you see in front of you.  I am lucky that I have a fast metabolism.  I can eat a lot but was staying at the same weight, which is fine if I was at a weight I was comfotable with but I wasn't. I gained 50 lbs when pregnant with Harmony and she was my smallest baby ( 6lbs 4 oz)

     I hope to be able to continue posting good news about this weight loss and am pretty determined to lose my goal amount. Wish me luck and if you see me with food in my hand, smack me please.  Not you Mike! You are not allowed!


  1. WAY TO GO!!!! You are going to be smoking hot in your wedding dress!

  2. yay!!! i want to shed another 8, it's killing me!! keep up the good work! i can't wait to see this dress we've been hearing about!!!
