Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Cake Smash

     On the weekend, Harmony did a Cake Smash session as part of her birthday celebrations.
Thank you  to Veronica Lunn Photography  for a great job on my little princess's birthday pictures.

Aren't I adorable?

My little sweetie!

The Cupcake

Doesn't she look like a Cabbage Patch Kid?

Mmmm...this is kinda yummy mom!

I'm one!

Now back to eating cake.


Peek a boo!

Ohhh nooo maybe too much cake?

Good to the last drop...

So proud of herself!

All photos taken by Veronica Lunn Photography!

Monday, May 28, 2012

It's Fun to be One!

     Yesterday was Harmony's 1st Birthday Party! No, I did not cry because her real birthday is not until tomorrow and then I will bawl.  I will bawl like a baby for my baby. My tiny Lil' peanut who just may or may not be our last.  *sigh*

     We had a family birthday and Circus was the theme. Harmony made her debut in a Rainbow tutu custom made by Three Peas in a Pod Boutique.

Isn't she adorable?  (Tutu Inspired by Our April Mommas very own Rainbow M)

     We had circus food which was yummy but sure was loaded with sugar.  Cotton candy, candy apples, rainbow cookies, licorice, animal crackers and lots more yummy junk.
My personal favourite candy apples and maybe Harmony's too!

She loved all her nice presents but the favourite seems to be her Toddler Mum Mums...

What can I say this kid loves to eat! Yes, she is hugging the box she loved them that much!

Every Birthday Princess needs a Pony!



My Beautiful Birthday Girl - Typical Harmony when there is food.

Thank You Uncle Tony for taking all the great birthday pictures!!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Tiny Terror

     There is a destructive force in this house and its getting to be a real nuisance.  Baseboards ripped from the wall, air vents ripped from the floor, door stoppers pulled off, dog water and food dumped, cupboards emptied, drawers emptied and contents destroyed and now recently an iPod (My iPod touch to be exact).  If the nuisance weren't so darn cute I would think about a trade in.   This ladies and gentleman is the face of a force to be reckoned with .....

     Now before you tell me, well if you paid closer attention etc etc....I do. She is small and quick.  She fits into places she shouldn't.  She laughs when you say no, giggles when you tap her hand and a redirection lasts 5 seconds because she doesn't forget a thing.  She also has a temper and attitude, she throws a real lovely tantrum when she doesn't get her way.

     I would write more about her antics but in the time it took to write this she has emptied the dog's water, removed an air vent and filled it with toys, shoved things in the printer, let herself out the screen door and destroyed some scrap booking stickers.  I think I will be taking my sister's advice and will be dragging the playpen out of storage or as we call Baby Jail.

     I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend.  I know we did. Enjoy your Tuesday that feels like a Monday.

 Doesn't she look harmless?

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

11 Months and counting...

     Harmony was 11 months like 2 weeks ago and if I don't post now she will be a year old.

Harmony at 11 months:
  • 18lbs 11oz and 28"   - She grew and gained!
  • is acting more and more like a toddler and less like a baby - Wahhhhhh!
  • Nods her head yes
  • Shakes her head No, wags her finger and says No No No
  • is seconds away from walking  and has taken a step or two
  • a climbing machine - can do stairs and pretty much everything else
  • is completely self fed, she will not allow you to feed her anything, not even a bottle
  • follows simple directions when asked
  • has 5 teeth - 2 bottom front, 1 front tooth on top, and her little vampire fangs on top.
  • Is always on the move, into everything and never sits still

Harmony mommy never wants to forget how your eyes light up when you see all the clothes in your closet, my little fashionista.  I adore how much you love being around your brother and sister, it warms my heart and I hope you 3 will always be as close as you are now.  I can't wait to see how you will do on your first big adventure on an airplane and European vacation.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day

     All I want for Mother's Day is a large bottle of short 12 hours uninterrupted sleep...heck, I'll take 8 hours.  I am not selfish or picky, 5 would even do.  Sleep in my own bed without children, crumbs or spilled milk.  I would love to wake up without literally falling off the edge because there is no room for me. I would love to wake up without 2 giant teddy bears and 6 Webkinz staring me in the face.  I would love to wake up without a sore back because I was sleeping on 5 soothers that we lost and materialized on my side of the bed.  It would be even better to wake up in a dry bed where someones diaper didn't leak all over my PJ's.  Oh and how heavenly to be woke up with breakfast in bed and not share that food with little people because my toast looks better then their toast.  I could read quietly while sipping hot coffee and munching happily in a bed with clean sheets.  Breakfast conversation wouldn't revolve around explaining Humpty Dumpty for the 40 billionth time this week or repeating hands out of your pants while eating breakfast and begging the baby to just say she is all done rather then chuck her entire breakfast on the floor.  This is one of my biggest fantasy's! This would be the most romantic thing Mike could ever do for me.  Sadly, I am pretty sure I am getting a Steam Mop because "You Love Cleaning" You know what I love more? Not seeing you happily snoozing beside me while I decide if I should push you off the bed or junk punch you. I really do love you Michael but I do not love cleaning more than sleep, when I have not slept in over 3 years....The End!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Goodbye Pixel...

     Goodbye Pixel you will be missed. You got me through 2 long years in the big city when I was so incredibly homesick.  My first pregnancy when I was so sick with Ella, you never left my side.  You were always up for a cuddle with that ridiculous puppy grin you seemed to continuously sport. You were great with the kids and they will all miss you. You were my first puppy love and I will never forget all your puppy antics...the shoes, money, paper, toys you chewed. Rest my pixel puppy dear, my fluffy wild and free and know that we loved you.

Pixel was a model dog for Rocky's Harley Davidson.

The last pictures I took of Pixel playing with Harmony.

Monday, May 7, 2012

11lbs down...

     Well remember a long time ago like in October maybe I was going to lose the baby weight so I didn't look like a cow for the wedding we had to attend?  No, thats OK...I didn't lose the weight.  I got real lazy like and didn't bother. 

     Our wedding is coming up real soon, like 7 weeks soon.  During the week of Easter I decided enough was enough and was determined to lose 20lbs by June 30th.  It's been a month and I've lost 11lbs, only 9 more to go until my original goal.  I wouldn't be upset if I lost a few more after my goal as well. I am sure I will put it back on while in Europe.

     How did I do it? The old fashioned way.  Hard work and dedication.  No shakes, pills, potions or magic beans.  Eating better and lots and lots of exercise.  I big shout out to My Fitness Pal as a huge motivator to not shove every single piece of food in my mouth. I now think twice about eating crap because well I am going to have to log it in my app on my ipod and I don't want to waste my 1200 Calories I get a day.  Another Thank you to my friend M for walking, swimming and being that voice in my head telling me not to eat that.  She has had her own incredible weight loss journey and is an inspiration. I highly suggest having someone you are somewhat accountable to and I also suggest it not being your significant other.  That always ends poorly, just ask Mike.

     So 11lbs gone and I am wearing jeans that haven't fit in over 2 years.  I am very excited to keep at it and lose the rest.  I have never stuck with anything in my life so this is really exciting for me.  Weight has never really been a problem for me ever but now as I sadly get older after having 3 kids, the weight doesn't just fall off anymore especially if you eat everything you see in front of you.  I am lucky that I have a fast metabolism.  I can eat a lot but was staying at the same weight, which is fine if I was at a weight I was comfotable with but I wasn't. I gained 50 lbs when pregnant with Harmony and she was my smallest baby ( 6lbs 4 oz)

     I hope to be able to continue posting good news about this weight loss and am pretty determined to lose my goal amount. Wish me luck and if you see me with food in my hand, smack me please.  Not you Mike! You are not allowed!