Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oink - Back away from the Fridge!

    It's quiet this morning, eerily quiet.  Harmony and I have been up for an hour or two and she is now down for her first nap of the day.  The other 2 are gone and Mike's still asleep.  All that can be heard is the click-clack of the keys, the dog sniffing about and the hiss of the coffee pot. I love quiet mornings when I get some quality ME time.  I've had a chance to clean the kitchen, sit down with a cup of coffee and catch up on the blogs I read.  It's a quiet contemplative type morning, after the rush of the long weekend. I was quite happy until I sat here rehashing all the bad feelings of over indulging.  It all comes down to self-control, which I totally lack.  I'm not quite sure why I don't possess this quality but I don't.  I sit here making a mental list of all the house work that needs to be done and which house hold task cancels out which food I would like to eat .  I'm not a calorie counter or a chronic scale junkie ( I don't even own one) but I do know how to make better food choices.  Take breakfast for an example: left over cheesecake or low cal oatmeal.  It's pretty easy really if you think about it but so hard to enforce.  I've decided I need one of those fridge pigs, you know that oink at you when you open up the door.  I would be more likely to reach for the carrots if that pig were staring me down.  Possibly Mike could be my food conscience and encourage me to stuff my face with spinach and not the triple chocolate ice cream.  Oh, wait I've tried that before and it ends poorly, usually for Mike who was just doing as I asked.   I am trying to decide if hanging a picture of me on the fridge at my thinnest would encourage me or depress me (120 lbs, 6 feet tall and size 0).  It would probably just depress me as I will never be a size "0"  again or 120lbs.  I am off to mop, vacuum, fold, scrub and tidy this weight away.  If I clean fast enough it counts as cardio, right?  Let's hope I work up a sweat because everyone knows it doesn't count if you don't break a sweat? Oh, who am I kidding I will be a hot sweaty mess by the time I am done and not because I am jogging on the spot while windexing...more likely due to the fact its exhausting carry this extra baggage around.  Happy Tuesday but feels like  a Monday everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I totally think cleaning counts as cardio! Especially mopping the floor!
