Well let me start out by saying this may be a tad bit of a rant. If you don't like hearing about toddlers, babies, breastfeeding, doctors appointments and this Momma's disappointment stop reading now, and what are you doing here anyway?
Today I packed up the 2 youngest and had us out the door and at the doctors by 9:25 for Harmony's 9:30 appointment which ended up being more like 10:30. Not a bad wait time, I've waited longer. I was well prepared with an ipod, snacks, a bottle, toys and the resolve to not scream or lose my cool in the crowded doctor's office. Harmony screamed on and off because she was missing her nap and she likes her sleep. Camden was well behaved until I noticed him throwing things out of the bottom of the stroller while I was bouncing and shushing the baby as the entire waiting room gave me that fake sympathetic stare that all moms hate. I overheard 2 guys talking about how my baby was pretty new, like 6 weeks old and something along the lines of me handling a new baby. Thanks guys, she is 5 months old and yes she is little and yes you two are stupid.
We get into our room and wait for the doctor. Usually our doctor is amazing but today I am assuming it was her busy day. She measured the baby an inch and a half taller than the well baby clinic did last week and she didn't grow that much in a week. They based her development and growth on her being taller than she was and she is now in the 75% percentile for height. Well no she's not but Thanks anyway. The doctor said she is doing great and growing very well. *sigh* Fine, OK! She doesn't believe she needs her tongue tie dealt with but will be calling us with a referral at which the next doctor will probably not do anything anyway with her being almost done with bottles and nursing! Ummm...at just 5 months we aren't even close to being done. *big sigh* I will wait for the referral and beg for him to actually do something. Little miss Harmony got her shots and we were out the door.
We stopped at the health store afterwards to pick up some supplements to help increase my milk. Yummy sounding things like Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek. Oh, I can't forget the Mother's Milk Tea with such appetizing ingredients like goat's rue and nettle leaves. I am not sure how I will get much else done in the day after I pop 2 capsules 3 X a day for one, 4 capsules 3X a day for another and 2 cups of tea after each meal. I can't even remember or have time to shower every day let alone all those pills and cups of tea. It will be a real treat if I decide to add the Domperidone pills 8X a day.
Next and last stop was to Shopper's to get some good deals on diapers, wipes and some other goodies I found. Camden was having a meltdown for Smarties (I said yes he could buy them but no he could not open them until we got home). The lady at the cash saw him and said oh he can open them now and scan them when you check out. Thank you lady for undermining my parenting. No, he is not allowed to eat an entire box of Smarties, in the store, before lunch, leaving a trail of chocolaty drool that will be deposited on the stroller, car seat, clothes and his sister.
Now we are home, I'm venting and the kids are napping. Thank God for Sisters who drop by unexpectedly with a Timmie's Coffee in hand and a real sympathetic ear.